Ever wonder how to tell about a balanced vs. unbalanced chakra? Before you can unblock a chakra, you first have to know how to tell which chakra is blocked or unbalanced. There are several ways to unblock chakras. Don’t be surprised if more than one is unbalanced, especially if your’ve never paid attention to them before.
Chakra means “wheel” and these “wheels” or energy centers need to be open in order to allow the energy to flow through them freely so we can function at our best.
We All Need Re-balancing
We all need one or more of our chakras re-balanced at one time or another. These energy centers are associated with giving us signals about how we are functioning energetically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
What makes us different from an inanimate object taking up space is our ability to feel and the different emotions we feel.
As you can see by the unbalanced part of the various lists in this article, emotions are everywhere. Most humans can’t get away from their emotions as they are usually responsible for the way we each live our lives.

Our emotions contribute to our happiness, physical health, perception of the world and others, our thinking/responses, well-being and the way we choose to live.
Our emotions cause us to feel good things, just as our suppressed emotions can cause chaos for us.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of “emotions,” is “a conscious mental reaction (i.e. anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body.”
My translation of this is that emotions have direct association with our psyche and our physical body. Our emotions are our response to situations and environments we find ourselves in and the people we are involved with. While some of us may share our emotions and feelings with others, some of us want to hide or suppress our feelings, which can lead to unhealthy habits such as alcoholism or drug addiction.
When Our Chakras Are Balanced vs. Unbalanced
Is it any wonder that so many of our emotions connect to one or several of our chakras? When our chakras are balanced, our feelings tend to be on a more even keel, but when blocked or unbalanced, we most likely will not make our best decisions to live our lives.
Want to find out which of your chakras is your strongest? Try this quiz…strongest chakra.

Your root chakra is your foundation and links us to the earth’s energy. It should be balanced before moving onto any of the other ones. This chakra is balanced when our basic survival needs have been taken care of. Basic needs would be a place to live, clothing, food, etc. With this chakra balanced, you will feel level-headed.
When blocked:
If blocked, you will feel unfocused and scattered and may have money problems. You may also have back and hip pain or problems.
This is the center of our emotional expression and creativity. When this chakra is out of balance it affects our entire self.
Creating doesn’t just mean creating our kids, but also anything else that people create such as art, building things, cooking, sewing and ideas. When this chakra is blocked, it can effect any creative area of ourselves.
When Blocked:
This chakra handles our sexuality so if blocked you may experience a low libido or not be satiated. You may experience infection or illness with sexual or urinary organs .

Our third chakra is between the navel and breastbone and connected to us physically through our metabolism and digestion. This energy center helps us feel in touch with our sense of purpose. Your “gut feelings” live here.
When Blocked:
When this chakra is out of balance, you will have trouble with low self-esteem and confidence. Depression could become a problem, troubles with your career or holding onto healthy relationships could also start happening. Physically, you could start having digestive problems.

Want to know how to fix and unblock your chakras. Fill out the form above and I’ll send you my free ebook on how to get your chakras balanced again!
This energy center is the bridge between our lower chakras and the higher spiritual chakras. So balanced vs. unbalanced with this chakra is very important.
When open we are more able to love and feel compassion not just towards other but more importantly—towards ourselves. The heart chakra is physically connected to our lungs, breasts and our heart, of course.
When Blocked:
If blocked, we may feel hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, etc. Choosing love and compassion over the fear and hatred is one way to keep this chakra open. If not, open and you start not liking yourself, you could start to engage in reckless behaviors such as addictions. Physically, you could have heart and/or lung problems.

This is our first spiritual chakra and is associated with our mouth, tongue, thyroid, jaw, neck and throat.
When open, we can speak our truth and express ourselves rather easily. We also listen to others and the messages or “intuition” we may hear from the universe much better. This chakra uses the work we do to keep our lower chakras balanced, to understand ourselves better and therefore express ourselves more easily.
When Blocked:
If blocked, we can feel unable to speak up for ourselves or get illnesses associated with our thyroid and throat, such as laryngitis or sore throats. You may also start pushing your feelings down inside and become afraid to express yourself.

We all heard about the “all seeing third eye” and that’s because this chakra is where we cultivate our intuition and possibly clairvoyance. To have good intuition though, this energy center needs to be open so we can hear and visualize our intuition. It also provides us with inner guidance if we cultivate and keep this chakra open.
When Blocked:
Ignoring your gut feelings or our higher intuition will definitely block this chakra. This is a spiritual chakra so you may no longer see the beauty in others, the world around you or in yourself. This can increase the feeling of being disconnected to the world around you and others. Physically, you could have headaches, sinus infections and other head problems.

CROWN (7th)
This chakra is where our connection with the Divine is found, and is in the crown of our head or hovers just above. We also connect with others from this chakra.
When Blocked:
When unbalanced we can’t to feel our spiritual self, but can be rebalance with prayer, meditation, quiet time and persistence in these things. A blocked crown chakra could also cause you to no longer believe in a higher power. You may feel unlucky and disconnected. You may feel headaches when this chakra is unbalanced.

Use the free ebook offered above to help you get used to and learn about your chakras. If you pay attention to them for a while, eventually you may be able to tune into the subtle shifts of your energy centers so that you can keep them balanced.
To stay balanced, we need to always be aware of any stagnation in ourselves and lives and learn to be aware of the subtle physical cues our bodies will give us when something is off kilter. And then we have to pay attention and correct the imbalance to feel ourselves again.
Healing and clearing your chakras doesn’t happen overnight; it takes persistence on our part. For instance: Each week—focus on one chakra to ensure it is balanced and stay that way. And if you really want to do some heavy work, try taking on one chakra each day. Taking care and looking out for your chakras is an excellent addition to your self-care routine.
Stay Awesome,
Relevant Reads:
Chakras For Beginners
Unblock Your Chakras
Crystals and Essential Oils to Balance Chakras
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