

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


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ever work on is yourself

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Do you know how to unblock your chakras or realign an unbalanced chakra?  First you have to understand your body/mind and start correctly interpreting their signals and clues so that you can balance once again.

There is a good chance that when you have a blockage in a primary chakra that it could be causing imbalances among the rest of the chakras.

That’s why it’s important to find out where the main blockage is and what caused it. With simple knowledge and exercises, you can restore the free flow of energy in your body.

When you realize you are feeling out of sorts and don’t know why, start asking yourself about some of the symptoms below.  Are you having trouble communicating?  Do you have a deep-rooted feeling of abandonment?

Feeling not good enough or can’t commit because you don’t like the intimacy that comes with that commitment?  Hold grudges or feel powerless?  You may have more than one chakra to unblock.



If this chakra is blocked, we can suffer from several ailments such as anxiety disorders and many fears.  You will become needy or have self-destructive behaviors.

The root chakra is associated physically with problems within our immune system, colon, the bladder, or lower back, leg or feet.

When your root chakra is blocked, you may feel:

  • Feel stuck and sluggish
  • Disgust toward your body
  • Stress due to over-reliance on others
  • Abandonment
  • Constantly getting by or going without
  • Feeling you are not good enough the way you are

The simplest way to unblock your root chakra is to sit quietly, picture (visualize) a circle the color red at the base of your spine.  Then picture the red light extending down your legs, through your feet and connecting with the earth.

This is a simple form of grounding yourself to the earth.  Since your root chakra is the foundation for your other chakras and your body, this chakra likes to be grounded.



When our sacral chakra is out of balance or misaligned, creativity can be uninspired and our emotions out of wack.  There can be fear of change, addiction like behaviors, depression and physical sexual dysfunction.

Constant fear of betrayal, hip, pelvic and low back pain are also a few affected areas when your sacral chakra is misaligned.

  • Fear of intimacy, both physically and emotionally
  • Don’t believe you can be loved just for being you
  • A struggle for a healthy self-image
  • One unsuccessful, toxic relationship after another
  • Feelings of confusion, hurt and abuse


unblock your chakras


Have you ever left a conversation with a sick feeling in your stomach?  This is your solar plexus coming into play and possibly on its way to being unbalanced if it isn’t already.

Becoming angry or having control issues, suffer from low self-esteem or have difficulty making decisions when the solar plexus is blocked.  You could become apathetic and start procrastinating.  An unbalanced solar plexus can cause chronic fatigue, digestive issues and that little voice inside us all becomes very critical.

Blockage with this chakra can also make it easy for you to be taken advantage of.  Physically you could have stomachaches or some type of digestive issues.

When and if your solar plexus is blocked you can’t imagine any other way or possibilities than the ones you already know.  For instance, if your parents had a very bad split up when you were a child, you could carry the feeling of abandonment into your adulthood, never believing anyone you love would stay around.

Hard Times to Unblock This Chakra?

It can take some work to unblock your solar plexus.  You have to be willing to face all the parts of you that you want to change such as your self-limiting beliefs.  And before you can do that you have to be willing to accept yourself, as is, if need be.

Learn to get along with your inner critic—better still stop being so critical of yourself.  When your solar plexus is balanced again, you are more able to trust all the possibilities that may come your way because you feel empowered again.

  • You feeling powerless and/or victimized
  • Stomach pains and anxiety
  • Give your power away because you think you have to, so your relationships stay ok
  • Let your dreams go due to low self-esteem


a bracelet with crystals for each chakra


Fear of betrayal, anger, grief, and jealousy are just a few things you can feel when this chakra is misaligned.  There is a good chance that you will be holding a grudge toward something or someone.  Unfortunately, holding on to these types of feelings just cuts you off from love.  Not good!

What does the heart chakra good?  Volunteering

  • Fear of commitment
  • Feel like you have to please others to be loved
  • Guard yourself from being hurt again
  • Trouble with giving and receiving love
  • The need to hold grudges


When blocked, we have trouble paying attention and staying focused along with having trouble speaking your truth and fear the judgment of others.  Physically you may feel a sore throat, have thyroid issues, headaches and may feel stiffness.

  • Fear of speaking up
  • Go along with others so you don’t upset anyone
  • Not telling what you want or what you feel
  • Frustration
  • Is your throat feeling blocked
  • Feel that others don’t listen to what you have to say


hand held crystals for unblocking your chakras


When blocked, this chakra can cause you to have trouble realizing your intuition and then trusting it and recalling important facts.  If your lower chakras are blocked there is a good chance that your third eye is also blocked.  This can cause us to be dismissive, judgmental and introverted.  Our third chakra, when blocked is associated with anxiety, depression, headaches, dizziness and numerous other brain related issues.

  • Can’t figure out your purpose in life
  • Don’t recognize your intuition
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Feeling lost when it comes to your spiritual purpose and path in life
  • Frustration that there is something wrong or out of alignment



When this chakra is mis-aligned and unbalanced you may feel isolated and/or emotionally distressed.  The one thing that is truly different with this chakra is that it is really only opened fully when we are doing things that cause it to open.  Things like yoga, meditation or praying which we can’t always do at the drop of a hat.  Prayer, meditation or moments of silence on a daily basis give you a better chance of feeling this chakra open so you can have moments or minutes of spiritual connections.


  • Very attached to material possessions and achievements
  • Feel lonely, insignificant, and aimless
  • Disconnected from any spiritual side of life
  • No connection or to a higher power
  • Feeling unworthy of spiritual help
  • Feel that your higher power has abandoned you
body chart to show location of each chakra





This is a good question and the answer is simple and hard.  Balancing your chakra(s) again is relatively easy.  It’s the parts that need to happen first that are hard.  Once you have determined what chakra needs realigned, then you have to face and come to terms with the reason(s) for the blockage in the first place.

That is the really hard part.

Because many of the blockages are caused by emotional elements, alot of us can take years on our personal journey.  Years before we finally realize that we have to do something to start feeling good again.

That’s when you need to really start asking yourself questions, face up to whatever demons you may be dragging along.  Also learn how to put yourself back in balance and feel better.  The journey may be long, at first, because you’ve never done this before, but it is well worth it.

You will not only feel better physically, but your mind will be clear, your spirits will be raised and you will feel connected to yourself once again.

Which chakra is blocked

Fill out the form below and get your on blocked chakra guide.



We are lucky in that several of the things I’m going to suggest will help more than one chakra at a time.  Some of these you will already know about and other suggestions may be a surprise.


This is probably not a surprise to anyone, as yoga is known to help with most of the chakras.  The poses you are working on, when doing yoga, help determine which chakra is affected.


Again, this is probably not a surprise.  When you are meditating, visualize the chakra you are working on and move that energy down your body to reconnect with the earth.  This will ground you, which is a benefit to your energy centers, especially your root chakra.

Some things to do while meditating:  start by tensing and then releasing your muscles.  Begin with your feet, move up to your legs, then your pelvis and on up.

Your whole body will feel better afterwards.  Also straighten your spine.  Your heart chakra has a chance to open up more anytime you sit with a straight back, so stop doing that hunch-over thing.

Another technique you can use while meditating is visualizing.  Visualize yourself or another person sitting directly across from you and silently wish yourself or them safety, health, joy and love.

Can you guess which chakras like this?  They all do, but especially your root, and heart chakras.  Remember, to really love someone else, you first need to love yourself.  So do wish yourself, safety, health, joy and love.

Never meditated?  Learn how with my post on Meditating for Beginners.


Get out in nature, if you can, and take a walk or a hike.  Your whole physical self will love it and your chakras will only benefit from it.


Put on some of your favorite music and just start moving if you feel you can’t dance.  Your chakras don’t care, it’s the movement that opens things up.  Your root and sacral really like dancing/movement and if you throw in singing with the movement, your throat chakra will feel better also.


Find a Reiki Practioner and set-up a session.  They can help you go over every chakra in your body and determine which chakras needs some TLC or some major work.  They will then help you with the clearing and realignment and can give you ideas on keep your chakras clear.  For more information on Reiki, see my post on Reiki or visit the Reiki Rays site.


pillar crystals to use for unblocking your chakras


My post right before this one was for learning about your chakras.  You may want to have a look there to really learn about your energy centers.

Put these two posts together and try each of these remedies until you find one that you are comfortable with.  Keep practicing and working on whichever chakra that you need to.  You will feel more like yourself and certainly less stressed.

You can also take a look at my post on creating your own personal retreat.  This is  good place to just spend time alone or meditate.

Don’t be afraid to get started; just dive in with both feet!!  You’ll feel better.


Stay Awesome



Relevant Reads:

Chakras For Beginners
Which Chakra Is Blocked?
All About Your Heart Chakra


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