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I have several things I can’t do without.  Is there anything you can think of that you can’t live without?

Somewhere, somehow, I came across a suggestion for a post on things you can’t do without.  I quickly put that on my ongoing post idea list.  I was thinking, how easy could this be to write.  Just come up with things I consider vital to my life.  But, you know, when I sat down to write the post, the first and only thing I could come up with was my Kuerig.

How’s that for an easy post, ha, ha! I sat for at least 10 minutes thinking what else I could put on this list and—nothing, I got nothing. So, then I thought OK I need to break this down.

I asked myself what techie gadget could I not do without.  That helped a little, so I added cell phone to the list.  I thought for a bit longer and then asked my hubby for his two cents.  This turned out to be harder than I had anticipated.

What I was wondering the whole time is do I get sentimental and put things down like my hubby and kids or lean toward all techie or what.  What I came up with is the list below.  They aren’t in any kind of order according to importance or tech or family oriented.  I just went with–if any of these things disappeared, would it change my life (at least in my world).


phone of things I can't do without

I didn’t add the things that would be a given, like my family, money, food, etc., because these things are essential to everyone and therefore would change anyone’s life.

Instead, I really thought about what would cause me to hate life without it and explained why.  Regardless of how crazy my reasoning may seem, these items would make a difference to me.



I know there are a lot of people out there that don’t even drink coffee.  I used to be one; it took me several years, when I first started working, to start drinking a cup in the morning.  When this appliance first came out, I couldn’t understand why anyone would pay that much for a simple coffee maker.  My little four cup coffee maker was fine.

Then I got a taste of coffee made with a keurig and then another and so on.  What ended up happening is I realized that every single time I had coffee made from this machine, the coffee was always consistent in taste.  I couldn’t do that with my regular coffee maker.

It didn’t matter who made the coffee, the taste was consistent, so really all you had to figure out is what brand flavor you liked best, stick with it and BA-BAM-a great cup of coffee in the morning to start my day.  Can’t get any better than that.



What can I say about my car– I just can’t Imagine bumping around in a buggy or walking to get to my job (over 15 miles, one way) or Lord help me having to ride a horse to get everywhere.  No, no, no!!


outdoor shower, things I can't do without


If you haven’t tried this, you need to get on the bandwagon.  Grocery shopping has never been something I enjoyed doing.  But, being able to order everything online and then just pick my order up without getting out of my car is amazing to me.  I hope whoever came up with this idea got one big fat raise!  I never want to go back to my old way of grocery shopping.



Make my heart smile and feel good.  And to me that’s all they need to do.   Everyone needs something that makes them feel that way.  And that’s all I have to say on this one.



Twenty years ago, if someone had told me we would have mobile phones and then add a camera to that, I would have laughed at them.  But now, who can imagine life without one.  I can’t and even more than that–I don’t want to.  We can do so much with these gadgets that help make our lives easier and our kids don’t even know what life is like without them.  This is definitely an Item I can’t and don’t want to do without.



I know a lot of people take bathes, including me on occasion.  However, I’m partial to a shower.  Totally clean and invigorated by the end–what’s not to like.


camera-things I can't do without


All those growing up years washing dishes by hand, we were too poor to have one of these.  When I had left home and eventually got an apartment with a dishwasher, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  Talk about making life easier–clean-up never takes as long as it does hand washing everything.



Now don’t laugh, but I remember my Mom doing laundry with a ringer washer (do you know or remember what that is?).  Just like a dishwasher, we didn’t have either of these appliances?  Eventually, we did get a regular washer, but no dryer so we still hung our clothes on the clothesline.  Stiff jeans anyone!  LOL.  The day did come, when we also got a dryer.

These are another couple of appliances I don’t want to do without.  Even If I didn’t have both, I’d go to a laundromat to do my clothes.  In a heart beat.



The ability to shop online whenever I choose or have time, is a big help to me.  When we need something, I can’t always find the time to head out to the store.  So being able to pick-up my phone or get on my computer and order whatever my family needs is a big time saver to me and actually, I spend less money due to no impulse buying.  Great for the budget!


keurig-things I can't do without


OMG, I’ve been binge watching Game of Thrones and I can’t tell you how often I’ve thought how stinky people would have had to smell way back when.  Good grief, I NEED my deodorant, everyone needs it.  Nope, don’t want to know what society would smell like without it.



To me this is one of the best inventions ever.  Originally, I had put family pics in this slot, but then I realized I wouldn’t have any of the hundreds of pics I have and love, if there was no camera to take the photos.  I can’t imagine not having photos of my kids when they were first born or as they were growing up, or a pic of my Mom to bring me memories of her when I look at it.  She’s gone and her photos are precious to me.

There you have it–my list of things I can’t do without and why.  Did you come across anything you would put on your list?  What are your items that aren’t on my list.

Let’s have a discussion.  Write me a comment or join my mailing list and tell me one or two things you can’t do without.  I’d love to compare.


Let’s Own Our Awesome,



More articles:

Pet Peeves
Embarrassing Moment


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