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The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

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We all compare ourselves to others at times, so I’m going to write about why you shouldn’t compare yourself to others.

I’ve been writing my blog for about a year and a half now.  I like how it’s turning out and I love the fact that I’m learning a lot.  This is my creative side coming out while I’m hoping that I’m helping others along this journey of mine.

What I don’t like is that I’m comparing myself and my blog to other blogs that I follow.  This is because my blog is not as far along as I thought it would be by this time.

So, I thought I’d share what I’m comparing myself to right now with those of you that do regular comparisons.  I know it’s not a good thing and I’ve written about it before, but we all need a refresher coarse now and then.  This is what I am working on right now; maybe some of you would like to join me.

Here are some arguments on why we shouldn’t compare ourselves to other.  I use these on myself to get out of the comparison mode, when it hits.


We Are Our Own Worst Enemy

There is nothing wrong with admiring someone, or maybe more than one person.  But it shouldn’t be to the point of devaluing yourself or what you have accomplished.  We have to remind ourselves that our own strengths are just as good as what you are comparing yourself to.  The good Lord made us all different for a reason, so no comparing and insulting yourself.  How boring it would be if we all were good at the same things?

Don’t stand in your own way because you see something different from you and better, or at least that’s what you are thinking when doing the comparing.  Stop the comparing, turn around and don’t be the biggest obstacle you have for yourself.


What You Are Comparing Yourself To Isn’t The Whole Picture

Don’t let social media sway you about what others are doing or have accomplished.  Try to remember that the parts of most people we see are just what is presented to the world.  You may be thinking the other person is better than you, but it just isn’t so.

We don’t see what is behind, what we are seeing, therefore, we are not comparing apples to apples.  What we could be comparing is apples to a rotten egg and not realize it, because we don’t know the background.  A big reason not to compare yourself to others.

Here’s another way of thinking about this.  Comparing yourself to someone that is say, a biologist and has traveled the world, is useless if being a biologist is something you never wanted to be in the first place.

Whether you see them or not, everyone has their own fears and weaknesses — after all, we’re all human.  When comparing yourself to others, in your own mind, you’ll always come up short.


You Are Insulting Yourself and Your Potential

Not believing in yourself and comparing yourself to others is simply insulting yourself.  And you can let your self-talk get so out of hand that you actually become a bully without realizing it.   The definition of bully is:  “one who is habitually cruel, insulting or threatening to others who are smaller, weaker or in some way vulnerable,” says the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Do you say things to yourself that you wouldn’t let anyone else say to you?  If so, then that is definitely being a bully. 

When we bully ourselves, we tend to ignore those outstanding traits or strengths that we have.  That is a sad thing when I’m sure you have much to share and give to others.  And this leads me to my next thought….


It’s A Waste of Your Time and Gets You No Where

What happens to your productivity while you are wallowing in the comparison game?  It goes downhill and most of us don’t really want that.  It means we are ignoring our goals, dreams. and what we have already accomplished.  Again, I’m thinking of that bully.

Keep busy by putting one foot in front of the other towards your goals and what you want.  This is good use of your time rather than sitting on the comparison merry-go-round, which is a colossal waste of time.  Another good reason you shouldn’t compare yourself to others.

Be Straight With Yourself

To get over the comparison trap, you need to be totally straight with yourself.  Write down some things you have done that you are proud of and know you are good at.  Don’t wimp out here.  No one has to see your list, so break down and be honest with yourself.

Remember, you didn’t always have what you have now.  Maybe you had to practice, or it took a long time to learn what you are good at.  So make that list and feel good.  You deserve to feel good about yourself.

Change Your Focus

Change your goals if you need to in order to reach and accomplish things that you want and help you feel good about yourself.  This is what is important-not what others are doing.  It’s about you and no one else.   This is an excellent reason for why you shouldn’t compare yourself to others.




Remember to add some good self-care into the mix here.  You need to take care of yourself to accomplish whatever it is on your goal list.  A nice soak in the tub or meditation sounds good to me.  I’ve written posts on both of these topics because taking care of yourself helps you accomplish whatever it is that you want.

No more comparison of yourself to others.  What’s important? — You!!  Here’s a silver cuff bracelet that I love to help remind yourself–You Are Badass!!


Stay Awesome!




Relevant Reading:

Accepting Your Body Image
How To Like Yourself
Is It Time for A Life Audit?
How To Deal With Negative People



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