

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


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Shop the look for home accessories.  Have you ever done that before.  You come across an image in a magazine or from anywhere and try to duplicate it as much as you can.  Doesn’t have to be exact, just use the image as an idea.  It helps to stay on track nd gets our brains working toward the way we want our homes to look. 

I’ve been trying for months to figure out how I can add home accessories to my blog on family/home and personal growth/wellness.   But I’ve read so much about blogging over the past year, I feel like I practically have it coming out of my ears.

One of the number 1 rules in blogging is you should not have too many subjects/categories because it could confuse people.  And if you do want to have several categories, they all need to relate in some way.  That’s what I’ve been having trouble with.  I could see how home décor would relate to family, but I couldn’t wrap my mind around the personal growth/wellness subjects.  Besides, home décor is a rather wide-ranging subject all by itself; why do I need it.



Exactly, why not?  Because it’s something I enjoy.  I love looking at catalogs from places like Wayfair or Joss and Main or even the Marketplace on facebook.  I’m always on the lookout for unique accessory pieces.  You know—accessories are what make your home “you”.

They help create your home’s personality.  At least that’s what I use accessories for.  Anyway, as I said, I’ve always got my eyes open for accessories for my home.  Quite frequently, a lot of the time, I can’t afford what I’m looking at or decide I’m not spending that amount to get the look I want, but I still look.  A girl can dream, right?

And then it hit me smack between the eyes.


Soooooo, my “home décor” category will be added and center around accessories.  If nothing else, what I’ve learned over the last eight months blogging is that blogs evolve.  Some of my friends and I tell each other what we are looking for to add to our homes and we all keep an eye out for each other. 

If one of us comes across something another friend is looking for, we send a pic and information on that item to the friend that is looking.

I’ve got such a collection for my wish list of accessories, I can’t wait to share with you.  Now I’ll have reason to keep track of anything interesting I come across.



I’m one of those people that are very affected by my environment.  So the way my house is decorated from the colors, furniture and accessories, affects how I feel and my state of being.

Bingo!  That is how home décor will fit in with my blog.  There are plenty of people like me that are affected by their environment, so you need to have things a certain way too.

I even kinda “nest” at work.  I need a few of my things around me like family pics, silly items from my kids, etc. while others around me have absolutely nothing personal around them.  It always looks sterile to me—but I do believe in “to each, his own”.



I have to warn you that I’m a biggie on the farmhouse look that is so popular right now.  To me it looks vintage and homey rather than the cutsie country that was such the thing awhile back—which I never liked.  I’m not big on contemporary or anything like Queen Anne chairs either, but I do like to mix when things seem to go together.

I like my home to feel comfortable.  I want my guests to feel part of our family and feel the friendliness and warmth, enough to make themselves right at home.  And that in turn makes me feel happy.



That’s the plan, I’m sticking with accessories.  These can be used interchangeably in different decors and still look great.  For instance, a pillow that says “Get comfy” can be used in many different types of décor, don’t you think?

The items here are my first try of some things I’ve had on my “maybe” list for a while.  I think you might also like them.  Let me know what you think.




This corner could consist of a couple of comfy chairs with some soft or textured afghans and pillows. Some wooden pieces like a table or a cart with a wooden tray on it with some coffee or drinks.

And then don’t forget the lighting. You could have a soft lamp on the table and a floor lamp that is possibly a “SAD” lamp. People in Denmark do use these lamps, as do I.

I can attest that they are useful. “SAD” stands for “seasonal affective disorder” meaning for those like me in the winter, because I can get a little down due to a lot less sun and daylight. One of these lamps sits on my desk at work and I use it when I need to. But I digress—let’s get back to our comfy corner.

Add some nice little plant on the table with a candle or two and how cute and comfy would that corner be. Certainly, enough to get comfortable, curl up and read a book. Sounds good to me. Let’s see what we can put together and “Shop the Look”.


I was definitely suppose to write this post.  The writing was finished, but before getting this post published, I came across the name of a  book.  I had no idea there was a book out there relevant to what I’m writing.  Can you guess what the name of it is??  How To Hygge: The Nordic Secrets To A Happy Life BookHow cool is that?  It’s a given, I’m publishing this post and not holding onto it for a later date.

This book, How to Hygge by Signe Johansen, is informative, and is a fully illustrated how-to guide for living life with a slow-paced, stress-free attitude.  It’s has recipes, helpful tips for cozy living at home and lots of hygge type images: essential elements of living the Danish way.  Sounds like my kinda living.  What about you?


Time to see what we come up with.  Now I’m not a photographer and I don’t have all the pieces that I’ve chosen for this post, so this is where your imagination comes into play.  You’ll have to picture this in your mind.

Even though the chair isn’t considered an accessory, we had to start there, right?  So think of your home and choose a corner to place the chair or two if you prefer to make your corner for two people.

Next, shake out the aghan and lay it over the chair back.  Then add the table in between the two chairs or to the side of one.  I’m right handed, so that is where I would put the table.

On the table top, place the plant and the smaller lamp.  You may want to place a candle there too.  Then put your favorite book on the table.  Take the basket and put in on the other side of the chair, toward the front.

Now, stand back and take a look at your handy work.  Looks pretty good and inviting doesn’t it.  Sit down in the chair, wrap the afghan around your lap and legs, get comfy and pick up your book for an hour of reading…….or 2.

Add a glass of wine to the table and I might just fight you for the Hygge corner.





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