Need your root and sacral chakras explained? One of my most-read posts is my article on chakras. So, I thought I’d take each chakra and break it down further than I can in a post on all seven.
After all knowledge is power, so the more we know about each of our chakras, the better we can keep them balanced.
And even more important is being able to tell when one of our chakras are off balance. When this happens, knowing how to bring your chakras back into balance is all important.
For this post I’m going to start from the bottom chakra and work our way up and I’m going to concentrate on just two of our chakras. So this week, we’ll be looking at our root chakra and our sacral chakras.
These two chakras are our foundation and we all know if the foundation of anything isn’t strong and sturdy, not much above it will be strong either. They lay the ground work, so lets take a look at them.
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Some Chakra Basics First
We each have seven chakras contained within. These chakras are basically enery centers that are like little tornado centers that, when balanced, swirl clockwise. Each chakra is responsible for taking care of different part of ourselves. For instance the solar plexus chakra is associated with our physical and emotional power, while our throat chakra plays a big part with our communication and truth.
Since everything in our universe is made up of energy, it makes sense that our chakras are also made up of energy. It’s energy that comes from the universe or from the Divine if you prefer. To me it’s the universe’s way of looking out for us and keeping us feeling our best.
That’s why it is so important for us to do our due diligence in keeping ourselves feeling and functioning at our best. Knowing about and using our chakras helps us do this.

Root Chakra
Your root chakra’s color is red, its element is the Earth and some gemstones or crystals that are good for this chakra are: ruby, garnet, black onyx and black tourmaline all strong and brillant gems.
Our root chakra has a very important role because it is the chakra that is responsible for how secure and safe we feel. I don’t know about you, but I like feeling safe and secure.
This chakra is located at the base of the spine between your backside and frontside.
When this chakra is running smoothly you will feel that your basic needs for survival are being met. You have shelter, food, a job and clothing.
When these basic needs are being met, we tend to feel grounded, healthy and positive. We are stable, physically fit and energetic. And we have a strong immune system.
But when one of these survival needs are not being met, we will feel lost, trust goes out the window and you begin to function in fear mode. Your family and other relationships may feel like they are falling apart. Basically, you may start to feel like your life is spinning out of control.
Out of Balance
When your root chakra is out of balance you can feel lethargic, lazy and unmotivated. You would not have the energy to do much of anything. You certainly would not feel very grounded.
You could become anxious, depressed and insecure. These types of feeling tend to lead to your weight falling or going the other direction causing overweight. Neither is healthy.
If your root chakra is out of whack, it can also cause addictions to come out and will also weaken your immunce system.
All of these are very good reasons to make sure your root chakra stays in balance. It connects too many important aspects of our lives to ignore.
Your root chakra’s color is red, its element is the Earth and some gemstones or crystals that are good for this chakra are: ruby, garnet, black onyx and black tourmaline all strong and brillant gems.

Sacral Chakra
This chakra is located just below your navel and its color is a translucent orange. It’s also connected somewhat to blue and white because it is a water element.
Our sacral chakra likes the gemstones and crystals of citrine, carnelian, amber and orange calcite to name to a few.
The sacral chakra is associated with our creativity and sexuality. It’s also connected to our ability to connect with and accept others and new experiences we may have. It’s also responsible for our flexibility, pleasure and many of our emotions.
When balanced, this chakra helps you feel supported and have healthy boundaries and sexual appetite. You have control of your emotions and can feel pleasure. You basically live in flow with yourself and what is around you.
When Unbalanced
When our sacral chakra becomes unbalanced, you may start to feel jealousy, low self-esteem and a detachment and isolation from the world around you. You can become emotionally unstable, resentful, frustrated and tense. Anything you feel guilty about becomes more intense.
You could begin to have mood swings and become emotionally numb. You may develop a low labido or you may start to feel like you have an over-active sex drive; neither of which is balanced.
None of these things are good and can lead to physical ailments such as depression, addictive behaviors, urinary problems, back pain and gynecological problems such as infertility and impotency.
How to Balance These Two Chakras
If you are feeling or are beginning to feel any of the symptoms, I’ve mentioned for either of these chakras, you may have a blockage. It’s important that you balance whichever chakra is out of whack as quickly as possible so that you can feel yourself again.
Root Chakra
Some things to try for this chakra are:
Holding certain gemstones during meditation or sitting them around you. If I feel off, I tend to carry a gemstone for the unbalanced chakra on me. For your root chakra, I suggest bloodstone, smokey quartz, jasper, garnet or carnelian.
Choose a gemstone that you are drawn to. When you listen to your inner self and choose the stone you keep coming back to, that’s the gemstone or crystal that will help you.
During meditation, light the following scents to have around you: cedarwood, ginger, patchouli or clover. Again, choose the scent that you are drawn too—the one that your nose likes and you get good feeling from.
If you choose a scent you don’t like, it won’t do you any good because you’ll sit there the whole time you are smelling it thinking about how much you don’t like it. And what good would that do you or the chakra you are trying to help.
Another Way to Balance Your Root and Sacral Chakras
Another thing to try is color therapy. Wear red clothes more often or wear the red colored gemstones I’ve mentioned above. This is something I do. I wear bracelets that have the gemstones I need to help with balancing a chakra I feel is out of zinc. They catch my eye during the day, so that I can concentrate on what chakra I’m working on for just a minute or two.
To do that, I simply picture the spinning chakra or energy vortex spinning in the direction it is suppose to spin — counterclockwise. I also vizualize the spinning vortex as the color for that specific chakra.
You can also vizualize like this during your meditation time. Meditation is one of the best ways to correct and unbalanced chakra. Meditation helps keep you grounded and during this 10-15-minute period, you can also use your crystals and scents.
See my post on meditation. It’s much easier than you think, helps in so many ways and what you gain from meditation is accumulative.
An affirmation that can be used to help balance this chakra is:
“I am grounded; I am safe and secure”.
Sacral Chakra
Crystals to use to help balance this chakra would be: moonstone carnelian, sunstone and tangerine quartz.
Scents or essential oils to use would be bergamot, tangerine, neroli, jasmine, rosewood and clary sage. Just like with your root chakra, choose what you are drawn to.
For instance, I would never, ever use jasmine for myself because the scent gives me “yuck face”. Instead, I absolutely love bergamot and tangerine, so what do you think I should use to help balance my chakra? LOL
Again, use meditation and visualize an orange-colored energy tornado (vortex) spinning counterclockwise. Once you have that going, visual this energy reaching down your legs and feet and into the earth. This helps ground what you are trying to achieve.
Don’t forget you can also wear this chakras color or gemstones to help with the healing. Or carry the gemstone in your pocket if you prefer.
A good affirmation to use for your sacral chakra :
“I deserve a good life; I am comfortable within my body and will treat it with respect.”

Another Route For Healing Your Sacral and Root Chakras
If you are not quite sure of what you are doing or need help, find a local reiki healer. They will give you a reiki cleansing on your chakras and will be able to guide you on how to balance your chakras.
I’m a Reiki Master and definitely think this is a good route to go. I have several friends that also do reiki healing and we all go to each other when we feel we need the extra bit of help. You feel so good afterwards.
Reiki can also be done distantly. The healer does not have to be in the room with you to help with the healing.
Final Thoughts
It does a person good to learn about your chakras and how to heal them. You may not get it right the first or second time you try to determine if a chakra is blocked or not, but when you keep trying you become more in tune with your body.
That is when the magic starts to happen. It’s very important to our well-being to be in tune with our bodies. The more you understand the better.
Keep at it-you’ll do your body good!
Stay Awesome!
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