Ever have a day where your energy feels drained and you feel like you are dragging your butt, and can’t seem to get out of your funk? That is your body trying to tell you it’s time to raise your vibration. A low vibration affects you mentally, spiritually and physically and may be associated with negative emotions, health issues, depression, and lethargy.
Everyday, every single reaction or interaction with or to others affects your overall vibration or wellbeing. Every single minute of your life you are either increasing or decreasing your energy/vibration. The changes are constant and rely on your reactions to everything going on at any given moment of your life. Simply put you are always moving in the direction of raising or lowering your vibration.
Our vibration, or frequency, is energy that we create in ourselves relative to negative or positive energy. I read an analogy somewhere that made it easier to understand.

Our vibrations are like a radio frequency. When we turn the radio on a channel of music that we like, it creates a good vibration, whereas, if we get nothing but static or find a radio channel with music we don’t like, that creates a bad vibration or frequency.
As you listen to the music you like, your vibration raises and makes you a more likely match to your Law of Attraction vibration to get what you want. This is because LOA can only give you what your vibration matches, good or bad.
You may not realize it, but every emotion you feel emits from you through vibration or the energy that comes from you. This is no longer knowledge only known to the holistic community but has become mainstream.
Good or high vibrations come from feelings such as happy, loving, positivity, empowered or grateful. These types of emotions we need to try to keep around us most of the time.
Also watch out for limiting messages you say to yourself or think about yourself as this changes your vibration also. What you think about work, your family and friends, etc., also affects your energy. Your own thinking is what really affects your vibration.
As humans, we can’t be positive all of the time, but when you are ready to get back your high vibrations, there are things that you can do to raise your energy once again.

**Claim Responsibility
**Think about what you are grateful for
**Use positive affirmation/Fill your mind with positive messages
**Laugh/Do something you enjoy
**Do daily self-care
**Practice Moment by Moment Awareness
**Spend time in nature
**Don’t Procrastinate
** Put on some of your favorite upbeat music
**Learn each day
**Get moving
**Be mindful of what you put yourself near or information you ingest
**Keep your heart and mind open to love and gratitude
One of the first steps to change your vibration is know that only you can do so. And that you need to begin thinking in the present. You need to forget about the past, whatever is bugging you long term and/or currently and start thinking of “right now”.
Stop blaming others for your low vibration. Not only does blaming others lower your vibration even more, but it’s not their fault. There will always be bad times or people that rub you the wrong way, but ultimately you control your own vibration by the way you react to things and people.
One of the best ways to raise your vibration is by remembering and thinking about what you are grateful for. A good way of doing that is by writing down what you are grateful for. Many keep a journal where they write down two or three things, they are grateful for each day. By doing this it gives you something to look through on days you feel the need to raise your vibration.
There are plenty of affirmations that you can find online either through google or pinterest. Find two or three that speak to you and let them become a mantra that you say upon getting up in the morning or right before you fall asleep. You can also remind yourself of your affirmations anytime during the day.
One of my favorites that I recite to myself before I fall asleep at night is “Tomorrow is going to be a good day and I’m going to wake up happy”. It’s as simple as that. I say this at night because for me feeling good the next day actually starts the night before. It’s my foundation for the next day.

When I need a pick-me-up, I turn to one of the “funnies” that I’ve collected from online and saved to use for times like this.

In case I need them, I keep a couple on my phone to pull up. I wholeheartedly believe in laughter, so I use that to bring my vibration up if I feel it slipping. Another thing I do because I enjoy it is to call my dog. He comes running which makes me smile and I spend a few minutes petting him—it makes me feel good and then I can go on my way.
We each need to find a few things that are this simple and easy to rely on when we feel our vibration going down. These few things can stop that right away and put you on the high frequency again.
Be sure to add plenty of things to your daily/weekly schedule that brings you joy. You will feel so much better.
Getting right with your high self and The Divine is one of the quickest ways to raise your vibration. It help you become more aware of your negative thoughts and then able to change those thoughts. Practicing meditation opens the doors for inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awareness to flow through you again.
This time could also be used for prayers, if you prefer. Meditating always helps me feel calmer and more myself. To learn how, if you are a beginner to meditating, check out my post on it.
A few things that you can do on a daily basis to help raise your vibration are:
*Get enough sleep
*Exercise and drink plenty of water
*Eat healthy
These are just a few basic things that we all need to practice daily to help ourselves feel better. I’ve written a post specifically about how important self-care is and also how to set-up a special spot for just you.

Do you know the quickest way to lose your current energy that is available to you? By worrying whether its due to re-living past situations or future potential situations that may or may not happen. This causes you to lose the available high vibration in the here and now.
To get away from the lower vibrations you may be causing yourself, you need to release those things from the past and forgive yourself and others. Then open yourself up to the better vibrational energies that the universe presently has ready for you.
I just got back from one of my favorite places ever and that is the beach. That’s where I like to go when I need to my re-charge my batteries. I can’t tell you how just sitting on the beach for an afternoon does my soul so much good.
If you don’t already know what or where in nature brings you a feeling of joy, find it. Spending time in nature re-aquaints us with our earth’s beauty and energy. Nature helps us release stress and can be very uplifting.
When we procratinate, it only brings us down because we know we are not doing what we should. Therefore, our vibration is lowered.
If a task is too big and overwhelming, then cut it down into bite size pieces to complete the job. Finishing even a part of the task helps you feel better and raises your vibration.

This three page guide is packed full of ideas on raising your vibrations. Just fill out the form below.
PUT ON SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC (if it’s upbeat, even better)
When I put on some of my favorite music, it always raises my mood. I do this at work on a regular basis if I have a task I need to tackle and get done. I’ll put on my favorite upbeat music and get to work. The music gets me going makes me feel like I can definitely get the task done. Give it a try.
When we are learning, there is a feeling of accomplishment. This raises your vibration.
Take a walk in nature and that will give you a double whammy in the vibration department. Moving raises your endorphins which helps make you feel good. Feeling good raises your vibration. So any form of moving is good for us and is certainly healthly. Moving is a win-win situation all around.
This simply means to keep yourself away from anything or anyone that brings you down, makes you angry or upset. Several years ago, I realized how important this is to my vibration. I was a news junkie. Everything I listened to, read, or watched would make me angry for some reason or another

It finally dawned on me what I was doing to my vibration each day, several times a day. I went cold turkey and I stopped listening to the news channel on the way to and from work. I stopped pulling up MSN several times a day and, also stopped watching the news in the evening.
It only took a few days to realize I was feeling much better and certainly less angry. This resulted in my vibration feeling much lighter and I’ve continued this practice of no news on a regular basis for me.
I also know that I can’t hang around negative people. This will also affect your vibration. You want to hang with those that lift you up, make you laugh and generally make you feel loved. This will always raise your vibration.
They don’t say “Love makes the world go around” for nothing. Focusing on love and light will always raise your vibration. And when showing gratitude, even when its hard, will always do you good.
Take the time to think about what you are grateful for each day. If you need a visual, take the time to write down things that happened during your day that you are grateful for. (see above for more on gratitude). This does your heart good and the universe hears it and your vibration will be raised.
Increasing your vibration is an ongoing process. Keep practicing. Just like everything else we try to learn and change, you could have one step forward with two steps back. This is usually due to an outside trigger or challenge.
Our vibration has a big impact on what you attract into your life. A low vibration alignment will attract more of the same. You see more irritating, negative people, annoying and challenging experiences, and all kinds of toxic situations and people.
Keeping your vibration high will attract positive circumstances, happy/positive people, and many blessings.
Keep moving toward your higher vibration and remember to enjoy the journey. You and your vibration will be happier.
Stay Awesome
Relevant Reading:
What is Reiki?
What is Karma and How Does It Affect Me?
Cleansing Your Home of Negative Energy
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