


Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul

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The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

Be a Wellness Warrior for healthful living, reduce stress, learn positive self-talk, healthy dieting, losing weight, self-understanding, and more.

As a thank you, you will have access to my password protected Resource Freebie Page with over 20+ downloadable printables! 


Does Any of This
Sound Familiar?

  **I feel stressed out and overwhelmed
most of the time

    **I can’t even walk up the stairs or
cross my legs

 **I’d like to learn about holistic living

**How do I mediate?

     **I want to eat healthier, but don’t
know where to start


woman doing pilates
image of woman and tree as examples of growth


A journey of holistic health, wellbeing
and happiness for women through
all aspects of our lives.


Imagine Your Self

Talk Saying:


         **I’m learning how to be mindful
                        with what I eat

**I’ve discovered the benefits
of meditation

**I really am enough!!

then you can say:

    I Run My Mind-It     Doesn’t Run Me!!

Welcome To Spotlight My Health

Wellness Warriors for Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Soul

Would you like to build a strong foundation for long-term
health and wellness?  Do you want to feel happier and
more like the you that you want to be?


During my adult life there is one thing I’ve come to realize
that women tend to have in common.  That is the occasional
(or possibly constant) feeling that we don’t quite cut it.  We fall short
in some way.  I think most women that I know feel this way
even if they don’t admit it and it makes me sad and angry at
the same time.


We look in the mirror and don’t see what we think society tells us we
should see.  And then our self-talk gets in on it by telling us we
aren’t good enough on the superwoman scale.  Or..


**We don’t look like we should.

**I don’t get everything done in a timely manner.

**We don’t do yoga or have time to relax.  What is that, anyway?

**Our self-talk asks us ‘who wants to be with someone like me?

**I just don’t have my S&*t together’

Any of this sound familiar?


Spotlight My Health provides informative, common
sense information on health for women from their
home environment to self-understanding.  Throw in top-notch
tutorials and how to’s on living holistically, alternative medicine, why meditation is good for stress relief and how I lost 50 lbs. last year and still going.  We’ll also look at how to like ourselves, use essential oils for a safer home, unblock our chakras and a plethora of subjects on women’s health and your strong foundation for health is beginning to take shape.



Spotlight My Health



Welcome, I’m Cher—a wife, mother, a good and loyal friend, an avid reader and now a blogger.  I’m honest and up front, an out-of-the-box thinker that believes in looking at all aspects of our lives to get the best out of our time that we can.  Living holistically for health and wellness fits with that thinking.

I want to help you become who you want to be, realize you are enough, be healthier and happier and help unleash your potential!  Let’s get started and help each other on our journey to better health…




Change Your Mindset,

Change Your Life

JMW is all about women's health and wellbeing
woman sitting peachfully


Spotlight My Health is about becoming more self-aware and developing a better understanding of ourselves as a whole, while also learning to live holistically, healthfully and caring about ourselves.


home is for health and wellbeing

What Can A Holistic Lifestyle Do For You?

Most of us want our life journey to be as happy as we can make it.  Holistic living takes into account all aspects of our lives.  Health and happiness from the inside out and everything that surrounds us.  Becoming self-aware of the type of life we want is half the challenge.

**Holistic is about being mindful and finding or creating simplicity in our life so we can create the amazing life that we dream about.

**Our life journey is about being mindful and finding or creating simplicity in our life so we can create the amazing life that we dream about.

**A lifestyle that accepts and believes that who we are, is absolutely enough.  Living holistically loves the uniqueness we bring to the table.

After all, it takes all types…..right?

One Day

One day you will tell your

story of how you


what you went through

and it will be someone else’s

survival guide….

Brene Brown

cinfidence is good for women's health and wellbeing
woman at home with dog


**Our life journey is about being mindful and finding or creating simplicity in our life so we can create the amazing life that we dream about.

**We need to practice self-care so we can continue taking care of those we love.


**Through holistic living, self-reflection and knowledge you can unleash your potential!

**Confidence and realizing that you are enough are good things.




Home Health

If our home life isn’t going well, then that affects us and our families.

I’m someone who is greatly affected by my environment.  What about you?  We can discuss how with our Spotlight My Health Community.

I’ll write about subjects such as:  using our time wisely, making time for ourselves or realizing it’s OK to relax and watch a movie with our family.  The laundry will always be there.  Time with family changes.

Life is accummulative–what we do each day counts–so make each day count!


We all think we know what this means, but do we?  What does health and wellness have to do with self-understanding?  Over the last several years, I’ve been on my own journey of self-awareness and growth.  This is a constant, ever-changing journey.

Posts that you will find on this site will have to do with:  boosting self-esteem and confidence, reinventing yourself, stress relief and how to relax, liking yourself and your body, self discipline and even self-care.  All on a path to health and wellness.

Like the tagline says:  healthy mind, healthy body, healthy soul.  All are connected, all are needed.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me and let me know when you have a particular interest in mind.  I’ll be glad to help!


comtemplation helps with women's health and wellbeing
health and wellness warrior


Choose the courage to believe in myself

Surrender to what is

Focus only on what matters…

Author unknown

Women’s Health & Wellness

Why is women’s health and wellness so important?

Simply put, the health and wellbeing of our families and even our communities are in the hands of women.  They are the “foundation or bedrock” of our societies.

Women take care of others, they make sure their family’s health and welfare are taken care of, often before their own.

And we do this, a lot of the time, by ignoring ourselves.  Having a better understanding of ourselves gives us more freedom to live our lives to the fullest and be truer to our real self, therefore bringing about more happiness.

This is why women and their health is important.  Spotlight My Health will present tips and ideas on healthy eating, weight loss, fitness and more. 

How to Start Living A Simple Life

How to Start Living A Simple Life

Have you ever stopped and thought “I’d like to live a more simple life? You can, but you have to want it and then be willing to put in the time and effort to make it that way. Simplifying your life can bring a lot of freedom and balance with it.  But you might be...

Benefits of Walking

Benefits of Walking

Why Walking is Good For Your Health Walking is such an everyday kinda thing to do that we tend not to even think of it as an exercise or workout.  For this reason, you may wonder what benefits you would get from just plain ole walking. What comes to mind first is that...

Healthy Home Environment

Healthy Home Environment

When someone says environmental health or wellness what do you immediately think of?  I bet your mind goes to climate warming, recycling, keeping our water clean and reducing emissions. Normally, it is all that, but it’s also about our immediate surroundings.  And...

Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

What Are Boundaries Are you an expert at setting boundaries.  Many of us are not, but boundaries are a way to set healthy limits around yourself.  These boundaries let you and others know what you are comfortable with and what you are not comfortable with.  This helps...

Steps to Begin Living Holistically

Steps to Begin Living Holistically

Want to start living holistically?  This approach believes that all aspects of your life are connected.  Therefore, holistic looks at the “big picture” of your life and how each aspect affects the others.  We must look at all aspects of our life to achieve wellness in...

Triggers For Overeating

Triggers For Overeating

What are Food Triggers? Triggers for overeating are certain moments or actions that trigger eating more than needed or wanted.  These can be different for everyone, but a trigger is anything that will cause you to eat what you don’t want to eat.  Or these triggers can...

How Stress Affects Women

How Stress Affects Women

Many of us realize that stress affects our health.  And while stress affects both sexes, studies are beginning to show that stress could be affecting women more than men.  We all go through stress at different times in our lives, but it is when the stress becomes...

Getting Back on Track With Your Diet

Getting Back on Track With Your Diet

If you are looking to get back on track with your diet, you may want to look at some reasons for weight gain.  These reasons are for both after losing weight on your own or from bariatric surgery.  Some of these reasons are:   **Eating or drinking the wrong...

Different Kinds of Magnesium

Different Kinds of Magnesium

I’ve been taking magnesium for many years, but it wasn’t until two or three years ago that I learned there are many different kinds of magnesium.  And they are used for different things.  Determining which kind of magnesium to use depends on what you need it for. For...