

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

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What are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are not something that we are born with but have acquired.  These beliefs can be from discussions or phrases we hear from our parents as we are growing up or from other family members.

Your beliefs can come from friends or other people that have influenced your life in some way.  Limiting beliefs can also come about by negative experiences that you may have had.

These beliefs can be subconscious so you are not aware of them.  This can make the limiting belief that you have even easier to sabotage you and keep you from your potential.


How Do Limiting Beliefs Work?

Most of us operate under these assumptions:  we do more of what we think we are good at and much less of things we think we are bad at.  The operative word here is “think.”

As we do more of what we think we are good, this limiting belief gets more cemented into our brains.  And because of this thinking, we may also be limiting ourselves to what we continue to learn.

So, a particular belief influences the results we continue to get which also in turn reinforces our belief; it becomes a circle.  Kinda like, if you continue doing the same things you are doing you will continue getting the same results.   And the results created in your brain can definitely hold you back from real success.


How Limiting Beliefs Hold You Back?

The circle of limiting beliefs and results also contributes negativity to your life in other ways also.

Let’s think about the Law of Attraction for a minute.  The universe hears all and if all you are putting out there for the universe to hear is negative, unfortunately that’s what the universe thinks you want.  The negative limiting belief is what goes around in your head and you may speak it aloud and the universe hears both. 

You, in essence, dwell on your limiting beliefs so the universe works to give you what you want.  It’s much better for the universe hear positive so that is what you get back.   Don’t let the universe hear you don’t like yourself or can’t do this or can’t do that.  Guess what the universe thinks you want?  So says the Law of Attraction.

like yourself and law of attraction

How Do They Hold Us Back From Achieving What We Want? 

When you have a deep-rooted limiting belief, even unconsciously, it can take your potential from you through the actions or non-actions you take due to that deep-rooted belief.

Our limiting beliefs are like standing inside a sealed box with windows.  There’s no way out, thus effectively keeping you from reaching your goals and potential or dreams.  They are within reach just outside the window, but you are not aware of them.

Many of us don’t realize that the limiting beliefs we have may not be universal truths.  Just because we have a belief doesn’t mean the belief is correct.  For instance, you may believe that you can’t speak in public, yet the few times you had to do it, you did very well.  Hence a belief you have that is not necessarily true.


What Are Examples of Limiting Briefs?

‘I ruin everything,’ ‘I’m not good enough,’ or ‘Things never go my way.’  Recognize any of these?  Ever have your own self-talk say any of these things to you?  Believe it or not that’s a lot of negativity and based on limiting beliefs about yourself.  Limiting beliefs about yourself is just one area of our lives that we live based on these limiting beliefs.

An example of a limiting belief about yourself is like the public speaking I wrote about above or could go something like this.

Your weight is 140 lbs., you stand at 5’7” tall and believe your weight is way too high and need to lose weight.  Because of this, you don’t spend time at the pool with friends or family or go to the beach or even wear shorts, all of which makes you miserable in the hot summer months.


Because of Limiting Beliefs You Have No Fun

You watch everyone else having fun because of this belief of being too big for people to see you in shorts or a swimsuit, that is, in reality just plain not true.  You feel you should still weigh 115 lbs. like you did in high school.

But the truth is, you are now a full blown, grown woman standing at 5’7”, not a still growing girl.  Weighing 115 lbs, may not be healthy for you now while your current weight is fine and healthy.

However, even though your doctor says your weight is fine, you just can’t believe it.  So, the misery continues. This is definitely a limiting belief loop that keeps going around and around. 

change your limiting beliefs with friends

Types Of Limiting Beliefs

We have many types of limiting beliefs.  These are ideas about how we feel toward ourselves and abilities.  Or what we think others think of us or our beliefs about how the universe works.  Besides the limiting beliefs about ourselves some other examples are:


About Relationships

Love isn’t in the cards for me
No one hears me
People don’t like me very much
No one understands me


About Work

It’s not possible to make a living doing what I like
No one really finds their dream job
I have to do everything myself


About Money

Money doesn’t grow on trees
I’ll never make enough money to not have to worry about it
When I win the lottery, I’ll be able to do what I want and buy what I want


About The World

My worth is determined by my job and how much money I make
My home and yard needs to look perfect like everyone else’s in the neighborhood

About Life

Everything I want to do is just too hard
I want to do something creative, but I can’t make a living at it

leave limiting beliefs behind

Why You Should Deal With Limiting Beliefs?

Simply put:  to be happier with yourself.  To be able to move forward and accomplish things that you want to but haven’t because of the limiting beliefs that have you thinking “you can’t.”  To stop your self-imposed limitations so you can be who and what you really want to be.  Limiting beliefs take your power from you.


How Do You Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs?

There is a process to moving past your limiting beliefs.  They are:


*Awareness of the Belief

A big part of the battle of turning off a limiting belief is becoming aware of it and what it is doing to you and your life.  To become aware of these beliefs, start writing them down when you find yourself thinking about something that may be holding you back.


*Identify and Release the Limiting Belief

Once you’ve identified some of your limiting beliefs (yes, there is usually more than one) you need to figure out where it came from.  This helps in understanding why you have the belief that is holding you back.

Then ask yourself is it worth keeping this belief and living your life based on this belief.  You already know that it doesn’t bring you any joy or happiness, but keeps you stuck where you are.

Also release the anxiety that you have felt from the belief you’ve become aware of.  Your brain won’t agree with letting go right away.  This is the part that will take time and continual reminding and intention.

The limiting belief is something that you’ve carried for a long time, and it has become your comfort zone.  You need to step out of that zone and do it as many times as it takes for the limiting belief to no longer be part of your psyche.

Turn can't into can

*Replace Your Limiting Belief with An Empowering Affirmation

The best way to set yourself up for success is by replacing the limiting belief with an empowering and encouraging affirmation to repeat every time you need to.  The affirmation needs to be realistic and believable, yet still pushes you to move forward.

As I said earlier, this is not a quick process.  You have to continually work toward releasing the limiting belief.  Recite that affirmation as often as needed with intentional belief that  your affirmation will work.

If you need to, place that affirmation anywhere that you’ll be reminded of it.  Your computer screen, the bathroom mirror, inside your closet door, on the refrigerator—get my drift here.  You need to continually practice and remind yourself until the limiting belief is replaced with the affirmation (new belief) that you used.  This will help you actively push the old belief away.


*The Negative Self-Talk Has To Go

Our inner talk (that little voice inside your head that is always talking to you) needs to also be cleared of all the negativity it is giving you.  Every time you hear it say something negative like “I can’t do this,” or something about you being too stupid, to fat, not good enough, etc., SHUT IT DOWN!  Remember that the universe is also hearing.  Then repeat your affirmation again.  After all, would you say any of those things to a friend or let anyone say them to you without shutting them down?

Your inner talk needs to respect you just like everyone else.

Besides how has calling yourself stupid been working for you.  It doesn’t make you smarter, just like telling yourself how ugly you are will make your confidence soar. 

You have to put big girl panties on and step out of your comfort zone and really begin to believe the new affirmations you are telling yourself.  Give yourself permission to change those old limiting beliefs. 

Instead tell yourself, “I’m a pretty cool chick,” or “I’m going to start treating myself with kindness like I show toward others.  This will help me build my confidence.”  The universe will rejoice with you. 

Believe in you

Drop “I Can’t” and Admit That You Are Not Perfect

Both of these limiting beliefs need to follow behind all the negative self-talk.  None of us can do everything we set out to do or want to do, but we still get a remarkable amount of things done.  We are not meant to be perfect, we are human and that means imperfect.  The trick is to still believe you are OK even with your foibles.

So stop using “I can’t,” as an excuse.  Be real with yourself like you would with a friend that is asking you for help.  You need to stop the same things you would tell that friend to stop.  And wouldn’t you tell her that nobody is perfect? 

So why would you expect yourself to be.  You would expect her to believe what you are telling her.  Belief comes before you can make something happen.  Be honest with yourself and then move on.  Because most of this is caused by insecurity.  Make sense?

Besides, remember you have decided to take on changing your limiting beliefs and mindset.  You want to step out of your comfort zone.  In my book, that’s pretty brave.  Yes, you may be a little scared, but you are still moving forward.  So, accept your bravery with a smile on your face. You deserve it.


Lastly—Give Yourself Time

Think about how long you have been carrying around your limiting beliefs, especially about yourself.  It’s been years.  I know this because I’ve been there, but I had an epiphany one day. 

I consider myself a Christian.  For some reason, one day it hit me between the eyes, that listening to and believing my own negative self-talk was causing me to cut down something that the Lord had made.  Why would I do that. 

I believe in Him and what He makes, so I guess I should believe good things about myself.  Otherwise, I’m not really believing in Him like I thought. So why am I questioning and cutting myself down.  From that day on, I changed my limiting beliefs about myself.

You know what happened?  I felt free and unrestricted.  It felt wonderful and still does.  For the most part, I no longer listen to the negative talk—it’s pretty much gone and I don’t say “I can’t.”  If I’ve got to do something that seems impossible, I’m just stubborn enough to hunker down and figure out a way to do the impossible.

Getting rid of your limiting beliefs can definitely be done.  I’m proof.


Final Thoughts

I did not write this post in order to cause anyone any pain or hurt but rather to bring attention to the possibility of harboring these limiting beliefs.  To become aware of them and then move past them.

I too have carried many of these beliefs that you may have hung around your neck.  Keeping you from being you and getting what you want.  Many began in childhood.  I simply wanted to help those that want to become more empowered by realizing their limiting beliefs and getting past them.  I want you to be the real powerful you that is just waiting to get a chance.  Bring it on!!

Stay Awesome!



Relevant Reading:

Mindset of A Millionaire
Learn and Practice How to Like Yourself


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