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Do you have the mindset of millionaires?  Let’s find out.  I thought it would be fun to research what makes a millionaire different from the rest of us and this is what I learned.

It’s their thinking.  And the rules they live by and believe in.

For instance:  Don’t listen to other people, live a life that is empowering to you.

How true is that.  This is something you learn as you get older, but this bit of wisdom would have helped in my twenties.

Another thing that millionaires don’t do is take things personally.  You and I may knock ourselves down about things that we do or that happen to us.  But millionaires tend to believe in their self-worth and they look at failure as the time for growth.

They fall back, re-evaluate and move forward.  This is the mindset of millionaires.  Not bad, huh.


Ideas To Think About

Don’t Compare:  In other words, don’t compare yourself to others, only to yourself from the day before to ensure you are a better person today than you were yesterday.  Does that make sense?


mindset of millionaires rules

Learned Too Late

It’s a shame that many of us don’t learn these truths until later in life.  But that seems to be what happens.

Life isn’t fair is one of those ideas that we tend to fight a lot of the time.  Who wants their life to run along with bad things happening all the time? 

And it tends to be hard to get over and move on when these things happen. 

But the one thing to try to remember is that most situations that happen to us do get taken care of.  Maybe not the way we want, but nonetheless an ending happens.  And/or we move on–

life rules from the mindset of millionairest

Pieces of Wisdom That Could Change Your Life

There is one piece of wisdom that I came across when I looked up the mindset of millionaires that is really hard for me and that is:

Words are powerful; use them wisely.  Very good advice, if you can remember it in the heat of the moment.

Overthinking Kills Happiness:  I’ve never thought of this in such a simplified way, but it makes total sense to me.  

I know a few people that overthink quite often.  One friend that comes to mind, even trys to think ahead for anything that could go wrong in a situation.  She does this so she can fix it before anything happens.  She’s lost the time she spent fretting over something that may never happen.  It truly is a waste of time to overthink.

wisdom to change your life

Tips from a Billionaire

I saved this tidbit of wisdom for last since it is from Warren Buffett who, knows what he is talking about when it comes to money.  Just my opinion.  After all, he did manage to make himself a billionaire.

I mentioned earlier the adage to save first and live on what is leftover.  One other adage that caught my eye was the buying of things not needed or you may have to sale the things you need.

Marketing is such these days that it is really hard to not impulse buy, or always seeing something else we think would be cool to have.  I was able to stop doing this quite a bit by making a list of things needed or shopping online.  Shopping online helps keep me away from the impulse buying.  What tricks do you have to keep from impulse buying?


tips from a billionaire

 Final Thoughts On The Mindset of Millionaires

There are a few underlying beliefs running through most of these observations.  Millionaires believe in themselves and don’t let others steer them away from this belief.

Millionaires tend to live what they believe.  I know that the “live off what is left after saving” would be hard to do.  But I also know if you want to have anything and stop living paycheck to paycheck, then this is the way to go.  Even if it takes a few years to get this rule to work for you.

Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup author) has written an article titled How To Develop A Millionaire Mindset Using Positive Affirmations that you may find interesting.  I did.

I love to hear what you think about this week’s post.  Do you already live by some of these adages I found from millionaires?  Or maybe you have some other good ones, I didn’t come across.

Stay Awesome!




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