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What is the difference between marijuana-cannabis and hemp?  It’s hard to miss all the hullabaloo going on about all three of these plants these days.  The widespread popularity in the US also brings about plenty of questions.  Is it good to use medicinally, is it not; is it a gateway drug, is it not?

With all the info out there on marijuana-cannabis and hemp, it’s really hard to figure out if you should use it or not.  And laws are so different from one state to the next; again, making it hard to determine anything about marijuana-cannabis and hemp.


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I live in the Commonwealth of Virginia where it is still illegal to use marijuana-cannabis and hemp for medical purposes or not.  Unless you need it to possibly help with seizures.   If you want to use it to try and get some relief from seizures in Virginia, a neurologist could write you a prescription for it.  Unfortunately, there are two problems with that,

1.   You would then have to go across state lines to get medicinal marijuana and then try and bring it back.  Across state lines is not a good thing and out of the question.

But it doesn’t really matter because that brings me to the second problem.

2.  Finding a neurologist that will write a prescription for you. I have a daughter that has been having seizures since she suffered a severe brain injury in 2006.  We’ve been to several neurologists to see if we could go the route of medicinal marijuana instead of several pills she takes on a daily basis.

Marijuana Cannabis and Hemp-lady trying it

Still No Help

We have not had any luck.  One doctor got kinda angry when I asked a second time trying to understand the doctor’s reasoning for saying no.  Turns out that particular doctor wouldn’t write a prescription on any “drug” that hasn’t been tested and proven in a study.

I was sitting there thinking that I could swear I’ve read about studies on  marijuana-cannabis and hemp, but me being a lay person had no arguments to give.  I’ve since found out that the World Health Organization is presently conducting research.

So, then I began asking about CBD oil.  Can you, at least, give me a dosage that I could give my daughter that would not affect her other meds, but still give her relief from the chronic pain she also suffers from.  I hate seeing her in pain all the time, really hate it.  And the pain definitely affects her quality of life much more than the seizures do at this point in time.

Nope, didn’t get an aswer to that question either…..



I have taken CBD oil many times.  I actually keep CBD candies at work because it helps when stress hits.  It truly calms me down instead of feeling so out of sorts so I can go on my merry way and continue working.

I admit to having been very skeptical when a co-worker told me that she had been taking it and noticed that she felt calmer afterwards, at work.  She offered me some of the little gummies to try the next time I felt stressed out.

I didn’t really notice at first until much later when it dawned on me that I did feel better.  After trying the gummies out a few times, I actually ordered my own bottle of the candies to keep in my desk.


Read:  Health Benefits of Some Spices You May Already Have in Your Kitchen!

A cannibis or hemp plant and bottle of CBD oil sitting on a table


CBD is found in all cannabis, but in very different amounts and strengths.  It is not the same as THC, so it can’t make you high as its genetic makeup is different from the plants that contain THC.  CBD’s effect on you is physical rather than cerebral.  CBD oil is increasingly being used to treat PTSD, pain, anxiety and inflammation.


Good For:

If you have sensitive skin, CBD oil is better for you.  CBD oil’s claim to fame has to do with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  Current research is suggesting that CBD oil helps the processes in our skin that regulates pain, inflammation and skin conditions like psoriasis and/or eczema.

If you find your skin feeling itchy and is red and inflamed, use your CBD oil.  This oil is currently being used for sleep, anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain relief and other stress and anxiety disorders.



Hemp seed oil is high in omega fatty acids and vitamin E and is also non-comedogenic.


Good For:

Hemp seed oil is high in omega fatty acids and vitamin E, which makes it very good for dry skin.  Because it is also non-comedogenic, it will moisturize your skin without clogging your pores.  It is especially good for your skin during the season change from fall to winter.

You can also cook with hemp seed oil because of the richness in healthy fats this oil contains.  However, it does not have a high smoking point, so it is best to use this oil in salads.


              Just CBD




This is the term most of us know.  It is also part of the cannabis family.  The type of cannabinoid found in marijuana (THC) is what gets you high.  THC is found in other species of cannabis as well and in different amounts although it is the dominant chemical.  It’s these different amounts of THC that determines why one specie will get you higher than another specie.

It’s the cannabinoid content in each species that affects how each of us feels using the products of the plant.  The CBD found in hemp has almost no THC in it while marijuana has quite a bit.  (See the chart)


CBD Oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil

Both of these two oils affect the body differently, even though the ingredients may be similar.  When used on your skin they target different things but neither is better or has a higher quality than the other.  The user has to determine which component works best for them.

Hemp seed oil and CBD oil can be taken from the same plant but are not the same.  Legal CBD oil is made from the flower, stems and stalk of the hemp plant while hemp seed oil is cold-pressed, from just the seeds of the plant.

Two jars of flavor gummies-Marijuana Cannabis and Hemp

                                           Just CBD 

LEGALITY (Marijuana-Cannabis and Hemp)

I’m not an attorney or any type of legal person, so I’m not going to go into what is legal and what isn’t.  As far as CBD oils/candies and hemp oil goes, as long as no THC is found in the products, these two items seem to be legal.

Marijuana on the other hand, is definitely still considered illegal in most states and by federal law.

What I’ve found interesting in my research, and is something I hadn’t thought of, has to do with the FDA.  As of May 2019, the FDA still says that CBD is not allowed in food, drink or supplements.  However, the FDA also says it is looking at ways that CBD would be allowed, to be, in food and drink products.

The FDA has also made it clear to companies “that while hemp was legal, CBD extract remained under government regulation”.

Bottom line for CBD infused edibles, drinks and supplements is to check with your individual state laws.  While some states are allowing CBD in foods, etc., others still are not and have gone as far as to ban the ingredient.  And of course, federal law hasn’t changed.


medicine bottle lay on a plate-Marijuana Cannabis and Hemp


WHAT TO TRUST (marijuana-cannabis and hemp)

I suggest doing your own homework/research on any company that you may be looking at to purchase CBD.  Some ideas to look at are clear labeling, sourced from high-quality ingredients and is the company following GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) to include laboratory testing every step of the process.

I’ve tried a few different companies to get my CBD gummies and “Just CBD”  is the one I’ve bought from several times now because this is the product that seems to help me the most right now.

Here’s a link to check out their website if you’d like to give it a try.


See the 20% off coupon link in the sidebar!


Stay Healthy!



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