

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


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ever work on is yourself

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Are you one of those that try to meet a step goal each and every day?  Ever wonder if it’s possible to be active without actually doing a workout and still become healthier?  I did, so I got busy thinking and came up with some ways to be active, but not exercise in the sense that we think of when someone says “workout.”

I’ll be the first one to admit that I truly hate exercising or working out, whichever you want to call it.  I’d rather find ways I can stay active without going to the gym or exercising in the traditional sense.  And improve my health.

I came up with several ways, so then I had to do some quick research to see if this could be done and still improve your health.  Ya know what, my “ways” were validated, so I’m going to share with you and see what ya think.


Ways to Work In Movement During Your Day

In today’s world, I know there are a lot of people that feel like me—I don’t have the time to hit the gym.  Ya gotta change your clothes, drive to the gym, work out, usually for an hour, then drive back home, take a shower and then be ready to do whatever still needs to be done at home.  That takes a good 1.5 to 2.0 hours that I could be using to do something else.  And that’s not even taking into account the cost of the gym.


1–Walking for A Step Goal

This is one of the things I do.  With all the apps out there these days that keep track of your steps for you, walking is even easier.  My Fitbit lets me know every hour when it’s time for me to get up and move.  But I have my own thing going.  I’ve assigned myself a certain number of steps per day as my goal.    Consensus seems to agree that we should be walking 5,000 to 10,000 steps a day, depending on your age.

What do I do if I’m falling behind in getting all my steps in for the day?  I get up and jog in place.  This is so easy.  I can do it at my desk.  I can do it when I’m at the copier waiting for copies. At home, I can get up and jog in place during commercials.

No extra equipment or clothes needed to meet my step goal!


2–Have some fun with your kids

Spend time outside with your kids and do the things they do.  Jump rope, do the hula hoop, play tag or do hopscotch; all are just a few things that kids do while playing.  All sound more fun than going to the gym and you can get quite a workout while spending good time with your kids.  Your kids will love you for it and you will add to your step count.


3–Being Active at Work

I already mentioned a few things I do at work, but here are some other ideas to think about.

tracker to keep track of steps for the day


Here is a free step tracker I made up for you to keep track of things.  If you are like me, I like to see what I’ve done, what I need to do and if I’m consistent.  Just fill out the form below and the tracker will arrive fairly quickly.


Have a Walking Meeting

This is something that Steve Jobs did.  If he had a 30 minute meeting he’d invite those at the meeting to walk with him and have the meeting while walking.  Not bad if it’s possible and would certainly add to your step goal for the day.


Take a Walk

I can get antsy at times sitting too long at work, so I get up and walk around the building for five minutes.  If it’s nice outside, I walk around the outside of the building.


Don’t Send Emails or Call Co-workers

Instead, get up from your chair and go see the co-worker.  This is another easy way to get your steps in.  Voicemail, texting or email are all great time savers, but if you’re thinking about your health, these types of steps add up.


use a balance board at work

Choose the Printer Farthest From Your Desk

This is simply another way to add steps to help meet your step goal.  If you use a printer as often as I do, this could add-on a nice amount of steps.


Don’t Stay At Your Desk During Lunch

Instead of eating your lunch during your lunch break, go outside and take a walk, weather permitting.  You could get a lot of steps in by doing this and you won’t eat up time in your day.  Then you can go back in and eat your lunch while you continue working (if this is possible with your job). You’ll thank yourself for getting those steps in before you even leave work.


Work Your Abs At Work

There are a couple of things you can do to work your abs while at work.  If you have the chance to get a new desk, ask for a standing desk converter.  This type of desk raises so you can also stand and get you up off your tuff.

always take the stairs to help get your steps in for the day<br />


Or get a new chair because there are all kinds of “active” sitting chairs.  There are chairs that you can rock, sway, bounce or incorporate some other type of movement while working as long as your workplace lets you do this.

I have several people at my office who stand several hours a day while working.  They actually stand on a balance board which works their legs and core muscles.  Another sits on a yoga ball because this also works the abs.


Other Ways to get More Movement Into Your Day


You can get some major cardio going on a hike, especially if there is a slight incline where you are hiking.  And there are other benefits.  Being out in nature gives you the opportunity to connect with yourself and also balance your chakras.  Nature is good for you, your body and your spirit.



Instead of grabbing a cart, grab one of the little baskets and use it.  As you fill it up, keep your back straight and change hands a few times.  According to Marie V. Ande, a certified strength and conditioning specialist in New Jersey, this will help build your core muscles and shoulder strength while also adding to your step goal.



Yes, I said dancing.  Have you ever taken a Zumba class?  Well, that’s dancing, and dancing is simply movement.  The trick is to put on some music that you can’t help but jam to.

I’ve mentioned that I don’t really like to exercise, so I’ve had to find other ways to work my movement into my day and dancing is one of them.  And I do this one or two ways.


Dancing is a good way to get your steps in for the day


Dance during a commercial series.  By that I mean all three or four commercials that come on in a row.  Don’t dance to just one, but the whole batch.  I know you probably have your cell phone near you and if not, get it so you are ready when those commercials come on.

Before Dancing, Get Prepared

Ahead of time, put three or four jammin songs on your phone that you like.  Then when a commercial comes on, get up, turn on the music and dance like no one is watching until the commercials go off.  Do this through four or five series of commercials.

Or you can do what I do.  I wanted to be able to dance around for 10-15 minutes at a time, so I picked three or four songs that I can’t “not” move to and put them together on my cell so one plays right after the other.  After I put them on I do whatever dance moves I want until the last song goes off.  And again this adds to your step goal while being fun at the same time.


list of songs to dance to


I actually put four of these groups of songs on my phone so I can pick whichever one I’m in the mood for.  And if I’m tired before I get started, I’m all hyped up again by the time I’m finished.

Try to do this three to five times a week when you start out and then go through two phases of songs if you feel up to it.


More Ways to Work in Movement Each Day

I’m fairly sure you have heard some of these before, but I’m going to remind you as every step does count toward our step goals.


**When you go shopping park further away from the door than you normally would and get those steps in.

**When you go to the restroom, if it’s on another floor, take the stairs rather than the elevator.  Better still, always take the stairs over the elevator.

**Instead of going through the drive-thru–you guessing what I’m going to say yet?  Yep, park that car farther away from the door to the restaurant and go in to order and get your food.

**This won’t add to your steps, but it will help you get moving in the morning.  Before you get out of bed in the morning, do some stretches.

According to Dr. David Greuner, MD, Head Surgeon and co-founder of NYC Surgical Associates “just easy, simple stretches wake-up your mind and body and increase blood flow, an inflow of nutrients to your muscles and help get the blood flowing through your body.”

This is a good thing that will help you start hitting that step goal for the day.


 How Much Movement is Enough

A Mayo Clinic study was published in the January 28, 2005 issue of Science.  The study found that if heavier people burned 350 calories more per day, through movement, they could lose 30 to 40 pounds in a year.

You need to determine what your goal is.  Do you want to lose weight, get stronger or just want to feel healthier?

Then go from there.  Don’t forget to discuss your plans with your doctor.  Also be reasonable with yourself.  For instance, starting out with a 10,000 step goal/a day may be hard for you to accomplish.



walking the mall helps get your steps in for the day


Especially if you have a sedentary job like I do.  When I started my journey for better health, my doctor had me walk only 5,000 a day.

I remember thinking “What!  I’ll never be able to do that.”

But it turned out to not be that bad.  So, start with your doctor if you are not sure where to begin.  Otherwise you may choose something that is too much and make yourself so sore that you quit before you really get started.

And that will get you nowhere.



Final Thoughts

My take on adding more movement to your day is this:  If your goal is better health, then adding extra movement throughout your day is a good and easy way to contribute to your better health.

Especially if you are like me and don’t like exercising.  And the less like exercising the movement is, the more likely you are to stick with it.  And that’s a good thing.

I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on getting more movement into your day.  Contact me below.

Till Later





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