Ever wonder about the Law of Attraction and how it works. Or even—what the hell it is?
Before answering those questions, I need to include a few words about vibration. The Law of Vibration is actually the foundation for the LOA.
We now know that absolutely everything in the universe is made up of energy—physics has proven that. And energy is in constant motion—hence, everything has its own vibration, including each of us.
You may be someone who doesn’t believe in the laws of the universe, but I bet you have felt them at one time or another. Before I knew anything about the law of attraction or vibrations, I was feeling it.
A few times when my husband and I would be buying a home, I knew I could walk into a home and not like the energy. Some even felt kinda creepy, even though they were in good neighborhoods, etc. Buildings do have vibes that you can pick up on.
Have you ever walked into a room with several other people and you can feel the tension? That’s you, feeling the energy everyone is giving off. We each have our own vibrations emitting from us, and if you can feel them when walking into a room, imagine what the universe picks up.
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The Law of Attraction
So, what is the Law of Attraction? The easiest explanation is like attracts like. In other words, what we put out into the universe is what it hears and sends back to us.
Negative thoughts, feelings and deeds attract more negativity to you and likewise, positive thoughts, feelings and deeds attract positivity. Which would you rather have coming back to you?
Using the Law of Attraction, it’s possible to attract anything that you want in your life. Yep, I said “Anything”.
*The cruise you’ve been wanting to go on.
*The bigger house that you have wanted for a while now.
*That car that you need badly.
*The promotion you’ve been working so hard to get.
*The man or woman of your dreams.
*Toned and thin body that you want.
The sky’s the limit. Anything you can think up that you want, is possible to have using the Law of Attraction.
But, before you can use LOA to get what you want, you first have to understand how it works. So, let’s take a look at the rules of LOA.
Rules of the Law of Attraction
- We attract what we are or put into the universe right here, right now. Like attracts like.
When you feel upbeat, happy, and ready to take on the world—that’s what the universe hears.
If you are always down and feel like the world is out to get you—this is also what the universe (and your subconscious) hears. And because you are always thinking these thoughts, your subconscious and the universe, both think the negativity is what you want.
Think of yourself as a magnet. If you are thinking with negativity, that’s what the magnet would draw back to itself. Same for positivity. More positive circumstances will come your way. Which would you rather have coming back at you?
For tips on putting together a personal space, read my post about doing just that.

“Lacking” Vibration
When you are constantly thinking of what you don’t have, you come from a “lacking” vibration. The universe hears, but it’s from the perspective that you are “lacking”.
This means that our vibration is coming from “lack” rather than the vibration of the things we want. Your “lack” vibe is totally different from your desire’s vibe.
So, what do you think the universe hears if you come from the vibe of life never giving you what you want? Or bad things always happen to me or I never have enough money. What does the universe hear and send your way?
Only Half The Equation
- You are a Co-Creator with the Universe
You have to remember that you are only half of the equation. The other half is known as a higher power, angels, the Divine or simply the Universe. Either way, it takes both pieces to make the Law Of Attraction work.
For explanation purposes, I’m going to use “Universe.”
You may see the big picture of your life and know what you want, but it’s the Universe that takes care of the details of your life. This is another reason you need to be aware of what you are thinking and feeling.
The key here is to realize that you are a co-creator and recognize the higher power that you need to make the Law of Attraction work for you.
- It’s always on—the Universe is always on—it never shuts down or needs to rest. And It Knows.
You may not believe it, but it’s a law. There are 12 Laws of the Universe and this is one of them.
It’s like the Law of Gravity (another universal law). We all know what goes up, must come down. Throw a ball in the air and it comes back down. If you jump into the air, you also will come back down. That’s how the law of gravity works. It’s a law and just “is.” The LOA just “is” also.
The Universe Always Knows
The universe always hears what you are thinking or saying and when you say you “don’t” have or you “can’t” or “your day is crap” that’s what the universe hears and because that is what you are concentrating on, that’s what it gives you, thinking that is what you want.
I had a co-worker that would start to say “this day is…..” and I would tell her to “stop” don’t say it. I didn’t want something bad put out there that could affect the whole office.
I wanted our day to go smoothly, customers to be nice, everyone to get along. So, I don’t even want to put anything other than that into the universe to pick up on.
You attract your desires much faster and easier from a state of happiness rather than resistance. The energy and vibes the universe feels from you is what it sends to you because that’s what it reads and translates that you like and want.
When you are always cranky, anxious and frustrated and think the world is out to get you, these are not the vibes to put out there. Generally, you dwell on these feelings and thoughts, constantly thinking about what you don’t have—what do you think you’ll get back. We attract whatever vibration is our current state of being.
Change Your Self-Talk
Recognize when you are dwelling in this low vibrational state and change your self-talk. Change your thoughts to something more positive and don’t go back to the negative ones.
When you are happy and excited and then you add gratitude to the equation—guess what you’ll get back. These types of feelings and thoughts raise your vibration closer to the frequency of the world around you.
This attracts the things you desire because when you are pleased and happy with what you already have, your vibration is one of abundance rather than lacking.
Happy All The Time?
- The Law of Attraction doesn’t expect you to be happy and positive all the time.
The universe knows we are not made to be that way all the time. Life throws us all lemons at times.
We all have days that we are stressed out, emotional, downright unhappy or angry and frustrated. You need to recognize this and use a situation like this to grow.
Don’t ignore what is going on with yourself, at this time. Rather, stop and take the time to figure out what is causing what you are feeling or going through. Ask yourself what or determine why these negative feelings or situation is happening. Figure out how to fix it, then move on.
You need to care about yourself enough to follow this through. Negativity can’t be pushed aside and then expect that the LOA will work. The Universe is always on and always knows, so therefore will know what you just went through.
What counts is how you handle it and move on with your life. This allows new and different vibes to be sent out to the Universe.
The Hard Part
The hard thing to remember is that the things that we desire don’t necessarily bring us happiness. It’s only we, that can decide to be happy—and that’s a secret that needs to be shouted from the mountain tops. And happiness can only happen in the here, right now. Not 10 minutes from now or when you turn 30 or 45, but right now.
This is a big law of attraction secret that we keep forgetting. When you figure out that only you can make yourself happy and you start feeling happy, guess what happens.
Instead of expending all your energy chasing after what you desire/want, you actually start “attracting” your desires to you. Ba Bam! Did you get that?

Only You Can Make You Happy
When you realize it’s you that makes you happy and stop chasing what you think will bring you happiness, then you actually will start attracting your desires to you.
Because only then are you putting out the vibes that will match those things that you want. This is what you want the universe to hear and feel from you. Happiness and gratitude will attract what you want.
When you’ve decided to be happy on your own, you attract your desires because your resistance goes away.
Why? Because when you are always thinking about what you want, you are letting the universe know that you don’t have your desire. This is really resistance. Concentrating on what you don’t have does the opposite of what you mean it to do.
- Forget About A Time Frame.
I know it’s hard to do, but you need to NOT think in terms of a time frame for when you want to receive your desires. Again, this is resistance, and you are basically telling the universe you “lack”. That’s a bad vibe.
Things come when you are vibrationally ready for them and when your vibration is right with the universe.
However, when all these ideas come together, and you accept them, you’ll realize that you don’t have to worry as the universe will provide.
Basically, the universe wants you to tell it what you truly want and then forget about it. Go about your life being grateful and happy for what you have. Grateful and happy doesn’t carry a vibe of “lack” but a vibe that equates with the universe and Source.
Strive To Be A Better Version of Ourselves
We are always or should be, striving to grow and become better versions of ourselves. Mentally, spiritually, and physically. Life or we are always pushing for more; bigger and/or better. It’s our nature and most of us never stop.
What three things do you want badly in your life right now. Now think about those three things—which one makes you think “If I get this one thing—I’ll be happy”?
Then, how many times has this happened —you get what you wanted, you are patting yourself on the back, but after a few days of being on cloud nine, you start thinking of the next thing you want.
And that first “thing” that you wanted so badly is in your rearview mirror because you are looking for the newest and greatest.
Kinda like when we were growing up—we were 14 and couldn’t wait till we became 16. Not too long after turning 16, we couldn’t wait until we turned 18 and then after that it was 21!
And we do this automatically, without even thinking about it. That’s what I mean by “we continually look for the next thing”. And it’s not a bad thing, it’s the way we are made. Think about it—if we weren’t this way, how would new ideas ever come about.
The desire to want new things is how we accomplish things. For more information on the Law of Attraction, checkout Reiki Rays website.

Mindset Goes A Long Way
Happiness and gratitude change your mindset and the universe recognizes that. When you change how and what you think and speak, your feelings change. And that is immensely POWERFUL!
When you’ve decided to be happy on your own, it also lets you become unconcerned about your desires, just enough that you stop worrying about when you will get them. Again, this raises your vibration, and the universe hears loud and clear.
How To Work The Law of Attraction Into Your Life
Here are a few suggestions to help the Law of Attraction work for you.
- Affirmations
An affirmation is simply a positive saying that you tell yourself and believe. But they also align with what you want. I collect all kinds of positive sayings if they hit a positive note with me. Here’s one you can actually put into play.
When going to bed at night, tell yourself you are going to wake up happy and have a good day. You may not believe it at first, but if it becomes a habit, eventually you change your mindset and you will wake up feeling fairly good.
Here are some other suggestions that can be used on a daily basis.
I am going to have a good day.
Today, I am a going to pass that test.
I am fit and will eat healthy today.
My blog will be a hit.
I am worthy of the love I’m looking for and radiate love everywhere I go.
When you empower yourself with positive, believable affirmations, it will be easier to manifest the things you are wanting in your life.

- Become Aware
Start practicing being aware of what you are thinking and feeling. When the negative starts to creep in, turn your thoughts to something much happier.
Think about what that “happy thing” could be ahead of time, so you know what you will change your thinking to when you need to.
It can be about an upcoming sports event, or a winning event that recently happened. How about that hot pair of shoes you just purchased or the family picnic from last weekend that was a blast. Anything that will put a smile on your face and inner self. And this leads to the next ingredient for practicing law of attraction.
- Attitude
Creating a positive feel around you, starts with how you feel about yourself. Meaning, your attitude, plays a big roll in feelings and vibes. Learn to cultivate a positive attitude. It will lead to good things.
- Gratitude
Gratitude and LOA go hand in hand. Being grateful for what we already have will always raise our vibration to a level the Universe will favor.
Try to start and end your day with gratitude. It doesn’t have to be anything big; even thinking about how good your cup of coffee is tasting causes you to feel grateful because you are glad to be drinking that cup of coffee.
- Meditation
Ten minutes is all the time you need to quiet your thoughts and just be still. Again, this will raise your vibration.
Keep Reading-There’s More
- Visualization
Visualize the things you want. Practice doing this and get good enough with the visualizing that you start feeling like you already have what you want.
For instance, you want to go on a cruise. Picture yourself on that ship and getting off the ship at a different destination. Picture yourself doing the different things you want to do on the cruise.
Visualizing yourself doing these things help your vibration come from a place of abundance rather than what you are lacking by not having it.
Practice doing visualization by thinking about something small, at first. Is there a pair of shoes you have been eyeing up? Visualize them, see them on your feet. See yourself showing your friends the shoes or walking into work with them on.
They may show up soon. If they do, you have manifested them and/or attracted them.
- Be Ready to Receive Those Things You Want
The thing to remember is that you have to become a vibrational match for what you want. Remember I talked earlier about stating what you want and then forget about it.
Instead, concentrate on being grateful for the good things in your life. This makes you a vibrational match to your wants. You become aligned with what you want because of your focus, your thoughts, actions, and beliefs. You have raised your vibration.
So goes the Law of Attraction. Try it!
Relevant Reads
Meditation For Beginners
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What is Karma?
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I am Elena Wilson, and I found the information about the law of attraction to be very helpful and easily understandable. Positive affirmations and feelings of gratitude are basic keys to manifestation and leading a wonderful life.
Thank you, Cher, for such a piece of brilliant information.
After reading the book ” The Secret” I got curious to learn more about the Vibration frequencies and manifestation techniques.
The universe gave me a signal, and I landed up to this webpage http://bit.ly/39c7UhD , It helped me to raise my vibration and attract all the good things in my life.
After applying the techniques to raise my vibrational level, things got to changed and it helped me in the relationships and money aspects of my life. I want to thank you to the Universe for everything.
Hi Elena:
I’m glad you got something out of my post. I also believe in positive affirmations and paying attention to your vibration. Since I started learning and applying Law of Attraction about three years ago, I feel so much better. I’ve learned that my vibration plays a big part in how I feel for the day.
Thank you for your comment, Elena!
I really enjoyed this one Cher. Keep up the great work! Katie
Thank ya, Katie. High praise from you and I appreciate it!