

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

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Living with Intention

Is it trendy to seem to want to begin living intentionally?  Doesn’t it seem like life just happens and we sorta just go with the flow. Whatever, happens, just happens.  I know what happens and that is we end up overwhelmed a lot of the time.

Many of us have too many things we feel we need to pack into the hours of the day. And that overwhelm greets us each morning with more things to do than hours in the day.

You may not realize it, but absolutely anything and everything we do begins with an intention.  The second you decide to do the dishes, go shopping, sit and watch a movie or go for a run, you are doing these things with intention.  You are living intentionally, it’s just not deliberate.

You decided or intended what you would do.  And you did it without even thinking about it.

When choosing to start living intentionally, it means actually stopping and thinking about what you really want before you do something.  And then proceeding forward, on purpose.

You will begin to do things that match with your values and are more in tune with what you want.  When this happens you are beginning to live with meaning.


learn to be intentional


Living and working toward your priorities.  And, when you stop to consciously think about what it is you want and what you intend then you are beginning to bring your power forward.  This contributes in helping you make the life you want.

When you living with intention, means you have bcome aware of yourself and what is going on around you.  What you have, what you need, what you want and a plan to get there.  You are deciding what’s working and what’s not working for you.

And then you can make needed small adjustments every day in order to create the life that you want and live intentionally.


What Is An Example of Intentional?

Intentional means doing something on purpose.  So let’s say you’ve got a really good job—at least to your family and friends, but it means nothing to you and leaves you feeling empty.

You have decided you are going to change jobs to something that suits what you want to do with so much of your time.  You know what that is, but the pay is not such a good deal, so you have never bothered.

Now that is no longer acceptable.  So you make a plan to change jobs and how you are going to do that.  That is an intention.  You are changing jobs on purpose to align with what you what in your life rather than settling.


have purpose to set intentions

How to Set Intentions To Start Living Intentionally

1)  Figure out the “why” for your intention

Before you set the intention you need to know why you want to make the intention.  Then you need to get rid of whatever you think may hold you back or stop you from making your intention a reality.

Doing this is important because it’s your inner work that really makes the intention work.

For instance, I’m trying to lose weight.  I would be blocking the intention I set, if I went shopping and brought home all kinds of sweets and junk foods.  My intention wouldn’t stand a chance, would it?

Not only do I need to know why I want this intention, but I also need to tune in to how I will feel after losing more pounds. 

Will I feel healthier, look better in my clothes, be able to walk up the stairs without losing my breath.  Anything that works for me and helps me reach my intention (goal).

So, before I set my intent for lost pounds next month, I need to think about these things.  I need to remind myself why it is important to me to make this new intention happen.  If, I have to, I’ll write the why down, so I remind myself my “why” while working through my goal (intent).


2)  Set the intention

“I intend to ……

Say it out loud, write it down—whatever works best for you.  And repeat your intention as often as you feel necessary.


3)  Believe

Before we can make anything happen, you have to believe your intention will definitely happen, hands down.  Try some visualization at this point.

I’ll use my example from above and say I set a goal of losing 5 lbs. this next month.  My affirmation will be “I lose weight easily and will feel good about myself being 5 lbs., lighter.”

I will visualize myself working to lose the weight and then what I’ll look like after the pounds are gone.  This is all part of living intentionally.

man thinking about how to live intentionally

4) Trust in the Law of Attraction 

The Law of Attraction says that the universe believes what you put out there and will work to bring it about.  You don’t even have to speak anything out loud because LOA will hear your thoughts.  The universe (and Higher Being) just work that way.

So, you need to surrender to the process of the universe and only think like whatever intention you are working on has already happened with no room for doubt.

Meditate on releasing your doubt and put your belief out to the universe and keep moving forward.


5) Time for Action

You have figured the “why” of the intention you want, and you put it out into the universe and released your doubt.  Now is the time for you to make a plan and start working it to make that intention happen.

Using my example again to lose 5 lbs., my plan would be to shop for healthy, good food and then go through my kitchen and get rid of my trigger foods and unhealthy or junk foods.

Doing this and then making sure to get my steps in each day would be my plan to lose those 5 lbs.

Now part of my plan should also be to exercise, but as I’ve said many times—I hate exercising.  And, this is the kind of thing I mean when I say don’t put it out there.

Hating exercise isn’t what I want the universe and a higher being to hear.  Besides it doesn’t help me get to my goal.

I’ve learned to change my mindset from hating to exercise to doing the kinds of movement I do like, such as dancing, walking or getting my steps in.  All are more my style and can be effective to reaching my goal.

If you need to, write your plan down.  For me, a plan helps me to focus.  I write down what I need to do for anything I really want to accomplish.  I can always refer back to my written down plan or list to remind myself and refocus.


Final Thoughts

These five steps could be used for each intention you want to happen for your good.  When you start living intentionally, it may be slow going at first, as you will need to stop and think through your intention, using these steps.

But once you get into the habit of living intentionally, you’ll do these steps without even thinking about them.

You’ll come to realize it’s a matter of believing in the universe and a higher being and that what you want will just happen.

And you’ll automatically stop putting the negativity out there and believe that your intention will happen.

Take Care,





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