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healthy soul


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We have made it to the top of the mountain, so to speak. And now we will look at how our Crown Chakra works.  Our Crown Chakra is located just above the top of our heads.

I started this chakra series several weeks ago to learn what each Chakra does for us and our bodies.  The word “chakra” means wheel and this wheel acts as a spinning vortex of energy where our consciousness and matter combine.

We each have seven of spinning disks beginning at the bottom of our spine and running upward where the last Chakra spins around the crown area of our head.

I did this series because I was getting a lot of interest on the first few posts I did about Chakras in general.  So, I thought it would help those that are interested in the spiritual side of our bodies and decided to take a closer look at each Chakra individually.

I’ve found over the years I’ve been studying Chakras, that I feel out of sorts when one is not working as it should.

It’s one of the reasons I started studying Reiki and eventually became a Reiki Master.  I feel much better understanding more about what goes on with and around my body and think that our bodies have more to do than just what our Eastern Medicine is all about.

Knowing more about Chakras can give us a better understanding of our bodies.

walking in nature for our crown chakra

Our Crown Chakra

Each of our chakras has a specific purpose, but I tend to think of our Crown Chakra as the leader or head honcho.  For me it is the center of me because this is where I connect with my higher self and the Devine, Source or Lord, whichever you prefer.  This connection lives within all of us if you choose to connect with it.

The Crown Chakra is in charge of our consciousness and allows us to reach and expand to higher levels of understanding if we desire.  It’s where we set our manifestations and where we find our last element – our thoughts.  Thats what elevates this Chakra.


Crown Chakra is Our Connection

Our Crown Chakra is what connects us within and without to the Divine consciousness and gain a sense of freedom from the material world that we live in.  And because time and space do not exist within our minds, we don’t have them as a barrier.  Instead, when we stay openminded to what is beyond our own preoccupations, our minds have access to higher states of consciousness and universe.

Within our minds, we become whatever we would like; we can think of something from our past and then immediately begin to daydream about something we’d like to happen in the future. because in our mind, there is no barrier of space and time.

Many believe that the Crown Chakra is our gateway to the world beyond and within and is also the seat of our soul.

Words can not always explain what we see and feel in our consciousness, but only experience.  All this is possible because of our Crown Chakra and its relationship with the Divine and our higher selves.

The dynamic awareness that comes with our Crown Chakra is universal and transcendental.


Facts About Our Crown Chakra

Element:  Ether or Thought:  Ether comes in the form our thoughts and the awareness that our thoughts created in our minds.

Color:   Most often white and sometimes deep purple.  The auric color of our Crown Chakra may also be seen as a clear light, white or even gold.

Physical Association:   Pituitary gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.  The pituitary and hypothalamus work together to regulate our endocrine system and being located at our crown, it is also associated with our brain and complete nervous system and cerebral cortex.

Purpose:   To learn

Crystals:    Just about anything purple will do.  Amethyst is often used to balance our Crown Chakra as it’s also a good aid in meditation.  Diamonds facilitate healing and grounds the energy of our Crown Chakra. 

So, if you ever feel like you are losing your grip on reality, try meditating with a diamond.  Labradorite helps with the flow of energy around the Crown Chakra and ametrine is used for balancing and healing the Crown Chakra.

Essential Oils:   Frankincense helps to ground and improves mental awareness.  Myrrh balances mental and emotional stress.  Patchouli promotes self-confidence and happiness.

Affirmations:    I am

                           I believe in and trust my inner knowing

                           I willingly receive guidance from the universe

                           I am in alignment with the universe 

amethyst to help balance the crown chakra

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Chakra

Feeling like your Crown Chakra may be blocked might feel like you are struggling with one of the functions of your Crown Chakra.

Your Crown Chakra can be thrown off balance by being forced to change your faith or religious persecution. You may feel disconnected to spirit.  It is also affected when someone is made fun off because of their curiosity or disrespected for wanting to learn.

You may feel like you are living in your head and disconnected from earthly matters and your body.  And you may feel close-minded.

Physical symptoms of a blocked Crown Chakra would be vertigo, brain tumors, cognitive dysfunction, migraines or headaches or Alzheimer’s.

Other symptoms to show up would be obsession on subjects such as personal growth, religion or spirituality.  Or you can’t keep your faith, can’t sit in stillness or you may experience learning disabilities. You might also feel a dissociation from your body and only see separation in your life.

An unbalanced Crown Chakra could feel like you are overwhelmed or even out of control.  You may feel irritable or confused, anxious and depressed.


Ways to Balance Your Crown Chakra


Your Crown Chakra loves yoga as a good way to loosen up and balance all your chakras.


When you fast (intermittent works too) or detox and drink lots and lots of water, you are eliminating toxins in your body.  This increases circulation—good for your whole body and stimulates your spiritual communication.


Spending time in nature, walking or hiking can go a long way in keeping all seven of your chakras balanced.


Can help you with balancing of all the Chakras while helping you feel more connected to the Divine, your higher self while also making you more self-aware and mindful.


Practicing mindfulness helps you be more aware of things going on around you, how you are affecting those around you and how you are connecting with them and yourself and your higher self.


Having a Reiki session either in person or distant can help locate which chakra is blocked and then help balance it again.  See my post on Reiki. 

yoga is good for the crown chakra

Why You Want a Balanced Crown Chakra

*Feel a greater sense of happiness

*Have the courage to be yourself

*More confident and powerful in your spirituality

*Feel more a peace with others


Final Thoughts

We started with our first Chakra, the Root Chakra learning this is where our survival instincts begin along with our stability.  Next, we looked at our second and third Chakras.

Our Sacral Chakra (2nd) is where our desire for pleasure and being together with others’ lives and then up to our Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd) to find our strength and self-power.  This Chakra brings our consciousness to life and pushes us to move for what we need, want, or believe in.

Up next was our middle Chakra, our Heart Chakra (4th).  This Chakra is the middle link between the Chakras above and below it.  It places love, peace and kindness for others and us, above all else.

Then I wrote about our Throat Chakra (5th) where our communication begins.  Communication that means standing up for ourselves and being true to ourselves.  We expand our awareness to bring in others toward ourselves making our world larger than just about us.

Next up with our 3rd Eye, our Sixth Chakra.  This Chakra helps us bring our inner knowing and wisdom out so we can use and believe in our intuition.

And this week, we are ending with our Crown Chakra that houses our inner being or our high self.  This Chakra connects us to our spirituality and the higher Being that we believe in.

Each Chakra in its own way in very important to our well-being.  They are there for us to learn about and put to our own good use. This is why its important to keep each of them in balance and alignment.

Working with our Chakras gives us wonderful insight into ourselves.  Our self-awareness grows and taking care of ourselves much easier.  How cool is that?

Stay Awesome!




Relevant Reading:

Chakras For Beginners
Which Chakra Is Blocked?
Crystals and Essential Oils to Unblock Chakras
Chakra:  Solar Plexus Explained


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