Sometimes it’s hard to remember that our body is a precious vessel for our true self. And what can be even harder is learning how to take care of that vessel.
Each of our bodies have a blueprint that we need to learn in order to take the best possible care of ourselves. Not recognizing and learning that blueprint is like trying to fix your car without the owner’s manual. For me, I couldn’t even do it with the manual, so I’ll stick with taking care of me. 😊
Our chakras/energy centers are our body’s instructions. For us to operate at our best, we have to learn as much as we can about them. What each does, where they are located, how they affect us and what to do if they are blocked or become unbalanced.
When feeling out of balance, study what your life is presently like
-Does something feel off?
-What is the season; dry/heated, cold/rainy (each influences us)
-What is your current living situation (too much to do, stressed, traveling, what are your current experiences)
-You keep making silly mistakes for no apparent reason
-Reflect on what your life at this point in time
-Does your life feel like it is falling apart
There are reasons that the seasons or what is going on in your life matter to your chakra’s reactions. Think of it like this; if you are feeling anger and frustration then more “heat,” like a warm day is added to the equation, you just feel worse. Or you decide to eat spicy foods that could increase your anger and agitation. Remember, like attracts like and that applies to chakras.
Instead, try taking a cool shower, eat some fresh fruit or taking 10 minutes to spend with a pet. All these could go a long way in changing the imbalance. Our bodies are in constant change between being in alignment and being unbalanced. It up to us to figure the patterns out in order to help ourselves.

When you are aware and recognize how your body is feeling you can start the balancing of your chakras much quicker than just floundering and continuing to not feel like yourself.
What Is Your Throat Chakra
Your throat chakra is an energy vortex found in your throat near your spine. It is your center of communication and sense of expression. This chakra helps us to stand up for ourselves, be honest and a good listener. It also helps us to be expressive and patient. When this chakra is balanced, we are more able to respect our personal truths and purpose. We can speak up and we won’t judge ourselves because of these truths.
Because our throat chakra is associated with emotions, when we feel sadness or fear, that “lump in my throat” adage may come to mind.
Thankfully, there are many things that can be done to have a balanced throat chakra once again.

Facts about Our Throat Chakra
Location: Center of neck
Element: Ether
Color: Blue
Physical: Thyroid, teeth, jaw, ears and neck
Healing Crystals: Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli
Essential Oils: Peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, basil, cypress, bergamot, rosemary
Herbs: Cinnamon, clove, echinacea, lobelia
Foods: Blueberries, plums, blackberries, herbal tea, honey, lemon
Affirmation: I express myself freely and speak my truth
What Your Throat Chakra Does
Our throat chakra is our energy center that lets us speak our authentic truth with clarity. We can express ourselves and listen to the truth. Its job is to help us communicate clearly, verbally, and non-verbally and also internally and externally. This is what our throat chakra enables us to do when it is in balance. We honor our personal truths without judgment.
When this chakra is blocked, a couple of things can happen. You can find it difficult to speak freely. If the chakra is underactive, someone could become shy or withdrawn and fears sharing her thoughts. On the other hand, someone with an overactive throat chakra could be loud, very talkative, gossips or could even be manipulative with words. Communicating clearly falls by the wayside.
A physically and misaligned throat chakra could lead to physical symptoms like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Other physical conditions could be a sore throat, stiffness in our neck or jaw pain.
Telling the Difference Between a Balanced and Unbalanced Throat Chakra

Healing Tools
Blue Agate, Laps Lazuli, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Turquoise.
Use these crystals when you meditate or carry one in your pocket to touch throughout the day.
Essentials Oils
Cedarwood, sage, rosemary, lime.
Put a few drops on a ball of cotton, then put in a ziplock bag to sniff throughout the day.
Color therapy
Wear blue colored clothes, blue jewelry, eat blue foods.
Ether (sky/space)
Anything outdoors helps such as going for a walk, lay on the ground and watch the clouds.
Repeat your affirmations o yourself many times throughout the day, write them down and incorporate them into your meditation.
Throat Chakra Affirmations
-I can stand up for myself
-I am confident
-My honesty attracts what I deserve
-I feel the flow of my creativity
-I will set healthy boundaries
-My communication and actions will be authentic
-I trust myself
-Being brave and strong are easy for me
-I’m a good listener
-I trust myself
Other ways to heal your throat chakra
Repeat healing affirmations, sing or listen to music, drink some warm tea, meditate.
Note: Affirmations are important in healing any of our chakras. Affirmations need to create positivity to get rid of the negative thoughts many of us having flying around in our heads. The key is that the affirmations you are repeating should be geared toward the chakra you need to heal. You should also be thinking about the specific chakra you are healing while reciting the affirmation.
Final Thoughts
Chakra means “wheel” and are found at different points in our body where energy comes together as it flows through our body. Even though each of our chakras do something different and are affiliated with different parts of our body, they also depend on the others to keep our body, mind and soul running smoothly.
When one is out of balance, it could affect one or two of your other chakras, so check the ones around your unbalanced chakra too. Remember, to keep learning your “blueprint” so you can take the best care of yourself. Your body, mind and soul will thank you for it.
Stay Awesome!
Other reading about your chakras:
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