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I’m going to write about “crystals and essential oils to help balance your chakras,” but first I want to explain what chakras are and how they influence us.

Chakras are energy centers in our body that regulate different areas of our bodies.  These energy centers thrive when they are “open” so that the energy flows easily throughout our bodies.

It is believed that each of us has seven main chakras which align the spine beginning at its base and up through the crown of our heads.

Start At The Base

Starting at the base of our spine or bottom of our torso, with our “root” chakra and ending at the crown of our head with the “crown” chakra.  These “energy centers” are not necessarily physical, so you can’t touch them.

This energy is like the wind; you can’t see it, but we have no trouble feeling it.  And truthfully when each chakra is balanced and all are working together the way they should, you won’t “feel” them.  But you will feel your best.

It’s when one of these chakras is out of balance that you will notice them the most, because you will feel off and/or possibly sick in some way.  That is because our chakras have a regulatory influence on our bodies.  An off-balance chakra can also affect your personality, making you feel “off” in this way also.


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The Seven Main Chakras Are:

Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Solor Plexus Chakra

Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Crown Chakra

chakra symbols

Why is Having Balanced Chakras So Important?

Understanding these chakras will go a long way in helping you understand your unique body and its needs and how to recognize when one has become unbalanced.

The sooner you get an unbalanced chakra balanced again, the sooner you will feel more like your “normal” self.  An unbalance chakra will have a negative affect on the other chakras and therefore you.

diffuser for essential oils to balance chakras

Eventually, this can lead to physical sickness or other difficulties.  And since all energy centers interact together, when one is off, it does affect the others, especially the chakras on either side of the unbalanced one.

Each chakra coincides with a specific portion and/or organ of the human body, which is why it’s important to have balanced energy centers.


Where to Start and How to Balance Your Chakras

Our chakras can be balanced several ways.  It’s a matter of finding a way that suits you.  You can use affirmations, blended essential oils to rub on the areas of the chakras or hold on to specific crystals that coincide with a specific chakra.

The trick is for you to determine what works for you and your chakras.  To do this, it is important for self-awareness of your body.

One of the first things you need to learn to do, in order to balance your chakras, is to sit quietly and listen to your body.  You may need to just practice sitting quietly for 5-15 minutes, eyes shut with no interruptions.

When I’m doing this, I sit like I do for meditation which is on my bed, leaning against the headboard, with legs criss-crossed and hands just laying on my legs. Total relaxation on my part. The idea is to just be comfortable.

After doing this four or five times, and you get comfortable with just sitting quietly and doing nothing, then you are ready to proceed.  This also gives your family time to get used to the idea of not bothering you during this quiet time.

Practice time equals good groundwork for balancing

This practice time also lays good groundwork for meditating if that is something else you would be interested in.  Meditating has many benefits and that includes helping to keep your chakras balanced.

Focusing on your chakras while sitting quietly is done mentally and you have to trust your intuition in reference to your body.  You know more about your body and how it feels than anyone else.

This is another reason for the practice of sitting quietly.  You need to be concentrating on different areas of your body and how they feel right then and there.

How do your feet and legs feel?  How does the bottom part of your spine and the surrounding areas feel?  Then check out your abdominal area, chest, and throat areas.  Think about how each of these areas feel separately from the others.

Then go to the area of your third eye which has your brain behind it.  How does that feel?  Last place to check out is your crown area.


essential oils to balance chakras

Now Check Your Energy Centers

Once you are familiar with checking out each of these areas and how they feel, you can start checking your energy centers and see specifically how they feel.

**Before you start, you want to make sure to sit out either crystals that coincide with each chakra or the essential oil that does.  It’s up to you which you feel more comfortable with.  You may want to try both at first to see which medium works best for you.

**Start with your focus on your root chakra and that you are doing this to make sure it is balanced.  Do this by picturing a spinning spiral in that area of your body.

**Once you have that spiral envisioned, determine if the spinning is strong and steady.  Are you having trouble keeping the spiral going, does it want to stop?   If that spiral wants to do anything other than a clockwise turn, it is unbalanced.

**If this happens, you need to pick up the corresponding crystal for this chakra and while holding it, pull up that spiral again and focus on making it spin the correct way.

Power of Suggestion

Use your imagination and the power of suggestion by reciting the affirmation I’ve provided further in this post.  Keep doing this until that spiral has settled down and is spinning in a clockwise direction.

This may take a few minutes because you are new at trying this, but it will happen.  Just be patient and gentle with your requests to your chakra.  Once the spiral has calmed down, you will feel the need to release it and move to the next chakra.

Repeat this process at each chakra center until you’ve hit all seven and feel they are balanced.

Don’t feel that you have to do this and get perfect results the first couple of time you do this.  Stick with it, but don’t expect immediate results or put pressure on yourself to do it “right”.

This is a process that takes time and the only “right” way is what feels right to you.  And if you do further research, you may find a more comfortable way to balance than I have shared here.  And that’s OK.  What works for you is right for you.

Using amber beads to balance your chakras

You need to feel comfortable in what you are doing and have faith in your intuition.  It takes several times of trying before you become totally tuned into your body and being comfortable with stating your intentions for each of your chakras.

It takes patience with yourself to learn this process, but when you stick to it and keep trying, there will be a time when it will dawn on you that you got it.  You got this!



Our root chakra is considered the gateway for the earth’s energy to pass through to us.  It is the foundation for all above and if out of balance can cause the other chakras to become unbalanced.

This chakra is related to grounding and our basic survival needs and protection, security and hope.  It’s associated with our skeletal system, bones, kidneys, large intestines and our blood.  The root chakra is stimulated by restful sleep, exercise, creativity and gardening.

Physical Affects:  When your root chakra is unbalanced you could have problems with fatigue, depression, sciatica, or lower back pain.

Emotional Affects:  Problems standing up for yourself; could also have to deal with security challenges with how you feel toward the material world.

Affirmation:  I am here, I am now, I am grounded and I am safe and secure.

Location:       Base of spine/torso

Element:       Earth

Color:            Red for courage, confidence, vitality

Crystals:       Red or black.  Stones for protection like black tourmaline or black obsidian.  These two crystals also ensure that negative energy is kept away.  Hematite is a good
grounding crystal.

Oils:             Rich, earthy scents.  Ylang ylang, patchouli for stress relief, grounding and prevents you from taking on toxic energy.  Also try cinnamon, sandalwood, frankincense, cypress.

Triple Protection Bracelet, hematite, obsidian and tiger's eye

Anxiety Protection Amulet


Our sacral chakra represents emotional balance and sexuality.  It is considered the body’s most powerful energy storage center.

Physical Affects:  Associated with our kidneys, ladder and reproductive organs.  An unbalance sacral chakra can contribute to alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders and sexual issues.  Can also manifest into urinary problems.  May be stimulated by warm, aromatic massages and baths.

Emotional Affects:  Manifest intimacy issues, feeling of disconnection with emotions and inability to socialize.

Affirmation:  I am worthy, I am passionate and open and I allow my inner self to be seen and expressed.

Location:       Lower abdomen, right below the navel

Element:       Water

Color:            Orange

Crystals:       Carnelian, topaz, sunstone or orange calcite; good for stimulating the sexual organs and Igniting passion

Oils:               Lemongrass, sweet orange, neroli, coriander seed, jasmine and geranium.  Floral, fresh and flirty scents that will help relieve stress and anxiety, lower fatigue and help insomnia.

Essential Oil Roller Bottles

Sample Roller Bottles


Stimulated by sunlight, education, reading and detox.  Represents our powers of willpower and assertion.  This chakra is the one that drives us toward our purpose.  It will help tune you into what you really desire.

Physical Affects:  Digestive issues, constipation, blood sugar issues, nervousness, poor memory.

Emotional Affects:  Presents as inability for self-control and low-confidence.

Affirmation:  I have a purpose, I have the strength, confidence and life energy to fulfill it.  I can achieve anything my mind is set to.

Location:       Above the navel in the stomach area

Element:       Fire

Color:           Yellow—helps with motivation

Crystals:      The yellow gemstones tend to lean toward motivation and determination.  They are success stones and are used to attract abundance.  Try citrine, amber, tiger’s eye, yellow asper or yellow calcite.

Oils:              Lemon, spearmint, rosemary, grapefruit, black pepper, cardamom.  Citrusy sweet scents to help bring about balance.  Lemon helps revitalize mind, body and soul and fills you with peace.



Our heart chakra loves nature walks, time with friends and family.  It is the center of love in our body and is the key to our compassion.  Its all about acceptance, compassion, unconditional love and our intuition.  Likes joy and positive energy.

Physical Affects:  Associated with lungs, heart, circulatory system and upper back. Breathing disorders, chest pain, high blood pressure, muscular tension, immune system problems

Emotional Affects:  Issues with love, self-control and acceptance, forgiveness and compassion.

Affirmation:  I am loving and unconditionally love myself.  I open my heart with compassion and unconditional love for all beings.

Location:       Center of sternum

Color:            Green

Crystals:       Green or pink.  Rose quartz, green aventurine, malachite, amazonite for soothing and gentle energies to heal emotional pain and encourage trust.

Oils:              Cedarwood, eucalyptus, rhododendron, pine and bergamot.  Try for soothing and soul-warming scents to bring balance.  Pine used in a diffuser allows the inhaler to receive its pain-relieving properties.



Our throat chakra lets us speak freely and openly being all about the truth reliability and communication.  When the throat chakra is balanced you can speak with integrity and harmony towards others and ourselves.  This chakra is like a bridge between the body/mind and spiritual chakras. The throat chakra likes singing and meaningful chats.

Physical Affects:  Thyroid glands, throat, neck, mouth and ears.  Can manifest into jaw, neck and shoulder problems, thyroid imbalances, mood swings and hormonal issues.

Emotional Affects:  Issues with trust and loyalty, learning to express your authentic, true self.

Affirmation:   What I say matters.  I give voice to my truth and inner wisdom.

Location:        Center of throat

Element:         Sound

Color:              Blue

Crystals:        These crystals are usually blue for their soothing vibes.  Turquoise, aquamarine, kyanite, blue lace agate and apatite.

Oils:               Lavender, spearmint, peppermint, eucalyptus and geranium, frankincense.  Slight floral scents to provide greater clarity and help overcome the fear of expressing your true desires.

Carry Case for Purse

Carrier Case for Purse


Our third eye is the seat of intuition and promotes higher awareness.  Your third eye likes star gazing and can be opened through meditation.  It stands for intuition, imagination and wisdom.  It helps us perceive and analyze truth.  This chakra promotes the ability to “see clearly” and encourages introspection and helps to connect to a higher state of consciousness; also inspires possibility.

Physical Affects:  Face, eyes, brain and lymphatic and endocrine systems.  When unbalanced, can manifest sleep disorders, depression and learning disabilities.

Emotional Affects:  Trust of intuition and insights; release of hidden negatives thoughts, development of psychic abilities and self-realization.

Affirmation:   I see clearly as the obstacles of my ego fall away to show me the big picture.  I trust my intuitive knowing.

Location:        Brow, forehead

Element:        Light

Color:             Indigo

Crystals:        Mind expanders such as lapis lazuli, labradorite, celestite and fluorite.  These crystals open the door to higher consciousness and present different perspectives

Oils:               Star anise, clary sage, patchouli, myrrh and frankincense, grapefruit, sandalwood, spruce.  Fresh and clearing scents.  Sandalwood has clarity-inducing properties and helps bring tension levels down.



This chakra rules all the others and supports and maintains the flow of energy throughout your entire body.  The crown chakra can be opened by visions and dreams.  It is stimulated by violet which promotes being open and self aware.  This energy center is considered your “spiritual body,” and is associated with a state of higher consciousness.  Encourages strength in our spiritual growth so we know greater love and have a deeper purpose.

Physical Affects:  Head and aura.  Can manifest light sensitivity and headaches.

Emotional Affects:  Issues with spirituality and dedication and connection to the Divine, Source or higher power.

Affirmation:   I am one with the universal presence that transcends space and time and pervades all that is.  I live in the moment.

Location:        Crown (located just above, on outside of body)

Element:        Consciousness

Color:             Violet or white

Crystals:        These tend to be some of the most powerful crystals.  Clear quartz and selenite are powerful chakra cleansing crystals.  Selenite is used to cleanse other crystals.  Amethyst is an intuition enhancing stone and helps to open your third eye.

Oils:               Neroli, jasmine, lavender, blood orange, frankincense, rose cedar and lime.  Go for warm, earthy and deep aromatic scents.


How To Use the Essential Oils to Balance Your Chakras

If you are making your own blends of essential oils, be sure to use fractionated coconut oil as a carrier oil to mix your oils with.

Choose your essential oils before you start blending so they are already handy.  I would suggest filling a 10ml roller bottle almost to the top with fractionated coconut oil and then add 6-10 drops of the essential oils you prefer.  Scent to your preference.

This is just about a 3% dilution rate for adults.  For more information on essential oils, see my post on carrier oils for dilution amounts.

Since I would be rubbing these oils on myself somewhere, I use roller bottles to keep my essential oil blends in.  For me, the roller comes in handy.  Here is what I’m talking about…..

But this is just a personal preference.  You can use whatever type container you want.  I do suggest that whatever bottles you use, make sure they are dark as that is much better protection for the oils.  See my link in previous paragraph for the colored bottles.

How to Use the Oils

Root Chakra:  Rub the oil on the bottoms of your feet.  Not only will that help your root chakra, your feet will also appreciate it.

As you are rubbing the oil in, repeat the affirmation I provided or one that you’ve found on your own.  Also use the intention of healing and grounding yourself for this chakra.

Chakras 2-7:  Apply the appropriate oil(s) to whichever chakras you are trying to balance.  Rub the oil in a clockwise direction while reciting your affirmation.


using amethyst crystals to balance chakras

How To Use Crystals to Balance Your Chakras

Crystals have been used for centuries as healing mediums.  Because the crystals come from the earth, each one has its own vibration.  This is why, I suggest when you go to purchase your crystals, don’t just get a specific crystal because it is known to be good for something.

Instead, walk around and see what crystals you are drawn to.  Pick them up and see if you get any reaction between the crystal’s vibration and your vibration.  If you do, I suggest that is the crystal you go with.

For instance, I’m very drawn to pink quartz, so I have several pieces of this crystal.  And it wouldn’t be surprising to find me carrying a piece in my pocket.  For times I don’t want to carry a crystal in my pocket, I wear jewelry with the stones/crystal I want for the day.  I purchase my crystals and then make easy bracelets or earrings with them.  This way I always have crystals on me to help with my balance.



If you find yourself feeling drained and fatigued or just not feeling yourself a lot of the time; think about trying to balance your chakras and see what happens.  Chances are you will feel much better.

Just remember to listen and follow your intuition when choosing your crystals and/or essential oils.  Hold the stones in your hand and see what kind of reaction you get.  Smell different oils to see what you prefer.  Some you may not like right away, others will make you go hmmmmm.

I hope after getting your crystals and oils, you give balancing your chakras a try and see how you feel.  Then let me know how things worked out for you; I’d love to hear about how things went for you.





Related Reading

Chakras for Beginners
Unblock Your Chakras
Choosing Crystals
Chakra:  Solar Plexus, Explained


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