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What is Sage?

Sage is used to help cleanse your home of negative energy.  It is native to the Mediterranean region and is now also found growing in the southwestern US, northwestern Mexico, southern California and Baja California.

The practice of cleansing to get rid of bad and/or negative energy has been around for centuries in both Asian and Native American cultures.  Today, cleansing has become more mainstream.

Those that practice burning of herbs believe all plants and animals have a spirit.   White sage is used because it is believed that the spirit of white sage is devoted to clearing, protection, and blessings.  The power of white sage will amplify any healing or clearing that you may do for yourself or others.


How Sage Works

The smoke for the smudge stick (white sage) gives off negative ions that will fight with the positive ions in the air.  This also helps with the toxic chemicals that could be in the air of our homes from the various cleaners, etc. that we use.  These chemicals are made of positive ions.  So, doing a spiritual cleansing also helps clean your home of toxins.

Doing a regular cleansing with white sage can help keep your home full of good, light energy.  And with so much negative energy in the outside world right now, our homes could certainly use a good cleansing.

fresh sage for cleaning your home of negative energy

Cleansing or Smudging

Believe it or not, there is a difference between cleansing or smudging.  Smudging is still used by Native Americans when performing a spiritual ritual or ceremony.  Cleansing is done outside of these spiritual rituals and has to do with burning some type of plant or herb to help the energy in the area of the burning.  I choose to use the term cleansing out of respect for those cultures that use smudging in their spiritual ceremonies.


Benefits of Sage Besides Cleansing

Sage Essential Oil

  • Sage is an anti-inflammatory
  • Has antimicrobial properties
  • Astringent qualities
  • Is an antiseptic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Diuretic
  • Hypertension
  • Can be used as an insecticidal

Sage Plant

  • Has mild laxative properties
  • Tonic
  • Proven antibacterial
  • Improves memory
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • As a formulated supplement, sage can be used to treat digestive issues and sore mouth or throat
  • Repels garden pests
  • Brings pollinators to your garden
  • Tea
Guide for cleansing your home of negative energy

Why Use White Sage

White sage has been used for both smudging and cleansing since before the plant was even named.  Sage (salvia apiana) is a salvia plant that is part of the larger plant family of mint.  Its name comes from the latin word “salvere” which means “to heal” and “salus”, which means “salvation or well-being”.  This fits in with doing a cleansing.  You can choose from loose leaves or the usual smudge stick and take leaves off as you need them.


Supplies Needed To Cleanse The Negative Energy

Luckily, there really isn’t much you need in the way of supplies to do a cleansing.  You need the white sage, of course, and some type of fireproof dish or shell.  I also use a few crystals to lie around where I keep my cleansing items.  Usually selenite and amethyst for clarity and relieving anxiety.  You can choose a candle that works with the cleansing, such as blue for emotional healing and protection or white for peace and harmony.  Oh, and matches or a lighter—that’s it!

Note:  Think about purchasing your sage from a quality source that is respectful towards the plant and doesn’t over-harvest it.  There are many places that sell white sage.  Look in natural and whole foods stores, crystal and metaphysical shops, or you can purchase white sage online.  Just be aware of your source as some companies harvest the sage without replacing it.  The link I’ve provided is for a company that practices sustainable harvesting.  This means the sage is replanted after harvesting.

You can also find smudging kits that will contain everything you need to do your cleansing.  You can easily find any of these supplies at Amazon as reasonable prices.


Bundle or Loose Leaf

A smudge stick works better for cleansing larger areas.  Loose- leaf white sage can be more precise, so works best for cleansing yourself, just one room or to just burn in your fireproof container.  I have smudge sticks, but many times I just pull a section of leaves out of the stick to use.

You don’t always need the whole bundle, and just one leaf still gives you the full benefit for the cleansing.


sage kit to cleanse home of negative energy of negative energy

When to Cleanse

There is no specific time to do a sage cleanse.  Until you can intuitively know when a cleanse is needed, some suggestions are; when moving into a new home or workspace, there’s been disagreements in the home or someone has been sick.  Also after a gathering, and when you come into a room, you can feel the tension or right before you meditate.  Eventually you will know when your space needs a good cleansing.


First Set Your Intentions

When you are ready to cleanse, think about what you hope to gain from your cleansing.  Give yourself time to figure out what you want your intension to be and how you want to say it.  You can also write it down if you want or need to.

For example, “Let the energy that no longer serves me float away.”

If someone in your family is sick, your intention could be about the health and well-being of your family.

Cleansing is a tool to remove negative energy from yourself, home and family, but you can also set an intention to remove past traumas, terrible energy from others or unpleasant experiences.  All of these situations leave bad energies behind.

Your intention can be powerful, so make your intension very clear.  Everyone has different reasons for doing a cleanse, so this is where you set-up the reason or intension for you and what you need or want the cleansing to do.

For example:  “I ask that this cleansing help release all negative energies that no longer serve my family and home and sent the energy into the light of the Divine.  Please replace it with loving energy from the light.  I ask this for the highest and greatest good for my home, family and myself.”


Cleansing Procedures

Before starting your cleanse, you may what to cleanse yourself.  This clears out all your negative energy, making you ready to cleanse your home.  Cleansing and purifying your mind and body with good energy and light is adding something very important to your self-care routine.

This is the way to take control of your own energy and create your own personal space.  And you can do this anywhere you are.

The easiest way to tune into the benefits of white sage is by burning the dried leaves.  Sage also purifies the air, so when you are performing a cleansing, it’s believed that as the sage smoke rises it takes the negative energy with it and replaces it with the positive energy of your intention and prayers.  This also creates a physical act for the intentions you set before you started the cleansing.

Amethyst Crystals

Light Sage Like You Would Incense

Before lighting the sage, it’s best to do a few things first.  Turn off all fans and shut any open windows and doors so no breeze catches the flame as you light the sage.

Light the sage with the candle, and then carefully blow out the flame on the sage so that the leaves smolder, creating the smoke that you need.  Sage cleansing works best when the sage is smoldering rather than needing a flame.  It is the smoke that does the cleansing, not flames.  

Then lay the sage in a safe and fireproof bowl, plate or shell so ashes don’t land on you or the floor.


Begin the Cleanse

Once the sage is smoldering, you can start the cleansing. Throughout the ritual, keep your intention in mind or recite it several times during the cleanse.  I simply use, “All negative energy must leave in the name of the Lord”.  I continually say this throughout the cleansing.

Where to start depends on what you are intending with the cleansing.  If you are cleansing just a room, start in a corner away from the door.  You want to end up at the door last.  When you are smudging the entire house, you need to start at the lowest level, start at the back of the house moving to the front and then up to the next level.

Move methodically around each room.  In each corner make sure the smoke hits the bottom and the top.  At each door and window, make sure the smoke hits all four corners and around each of them.  Begin at the bottom left and move in a clockwise position.  Get inside all cabinets and closets if you want to be this thorough.

The last room you want to cleanse is the room with the front door.  When you get to the front door, go outside and make sure the smoke hits all four corners of the door like all the other doors.  Then it’s time to close with a prayer of gratitude.

Your cleansing smoke should hit everywhere

As you do the cleansing, make sure that the smoke wafts up to the ceiling and down to the floor.  Start at the bottom and move to the top.  If possible, try to get in all the nooks and crannies and behind the furniture in the rooms.

Use your hand or a feather to move the smoke to get it to waft where you want it.  Just be very careful when moving the smudge stick or keep it in your chosen container as you move it so ashes don’t go where they shouldn’t.


Selenite Skyscraper

 Be Sure of Your Movement While Cleansing

Once you start moving around the room to do the cleansing, make sure that your movements are smooth and sure so that no smoldering ashes fall where they can cause trouble.


Let Sage Burn Out On Its Own

After your cleansing is finished, just let the sage burnout naturally.  Many say that the cleansing isn’t fully complete until the sage goes out on its own.  Native American tradition says that you won’t get the full benefit of the cleanse until the smudge stick has gone out.  Then your cleanse is truly finished and you can end with your gratitude prayer.


Cleansing Yourself

Cleansing yourself regularly is an important part of your self-care routine.  Choosing to add this ritual to your self-care routine can be the beginning of changing your mindset.

To cleanse yourself, start with your feet first.  Raise one at a time and move the smudge of sage under your foot so the smoke hits your whole foot.  Go up the back of your legs, up your hips toward your head.  Be careful of your clothing and hair.  Then do the same with the front of yourself, include raising your arms and getting smoke completely around them.

If you have someone helping you, they can hold the sage as you lift our feet and arms to get the smoke everywhere.  It should be you that turns in clockwise circles while your helper stands still with the cleansing sage moving it around you.  You move, but they should make sure the smoke hits all over you.

As with your home, end your own cleansing with a gratitude prayer.  Something as simple as “Thank you for clearing my energy and raising my vibration with the Divine’s light.”



Now you know all about sage cleansing and how to cleanse your home and yourself.  And this cleansing is a good addition to your self-care regime.  It’s good to have one more way to take care of yourself, your family, and your home.

 Stay Awesome!




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Crystals for Beginners
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