

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


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There are many things to think about when choosing crystals for beginners.  First, let’s look at how long these gorgeous stones have been used.

Crystals and gemstones have been used for thousands of years for healing.  Ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs and Egyptians used them and incorporated them into their daily lives.

They put crystal powders in their cosmetics, wore crystals on jewelry, decorated their statues and used them as amulets. The did this because of the powerful abilities attributed to crystals and gemstones.  The ancients believed that crystals could release mental, physical and spiritual blockages.

Like everything in the universe, crystals emanate energy or energic vibrations and our bodies are receptive to these vibrations.  The vibrations can be felt by some when they put the gem or crystal directly onto their body.  This is how the crystal facilitates the free flow of energy throughout your body.

Each crystal also has their own healing abilities for the mind, body and spirit.  They are used a lot for their energy flow that helps to rid our bodies and minds of negative energy.


Interesting Current Tidbit

Many of us use crystals for healing; they are also being used for many other things.  For instance, I recently watched a tv show featuring a company that is using a quartz crystal for data storage.  The quartz has been cut into a 1”x1” square disk no thicker than a CD.

A laser is being used to etch data on this little square inch of quartz.   I was amazed to hear that this little piece of quartz can hold up to 30 terabytes of data.  Because the material is quartz crystal, this information/data will be around for hundreds of years, if not thousands.

Basically forever.  These new forms of data storage are being called memory crystals.




Even though there isn’t a great deal of scientific evidence that supports the use of crystals, people have always been drawn to them.  People use crystals as a conduit for healing.  It is believed that crystals allow positive, healing energy to flow through our bodies while also directing the negative, diseased energy out.

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Before you get your crystals, you should have an idea what you want them for or what you want to do with them.   Are you going to use them for clearing chakras, use them while you are meditating or when you just want some pretty stones to sit around your home or office.

I suggest before going to purchase your crystals, decide what you actually want to do with them.  If you are trying to unblock a chakra, you will need to figure out which chakra you are dealing with so that you can get the crystal that will work best for that chakra.

As a beginner, you may want to choose and work with a crystal that corresponds with each of the seven chakras I talked about in my previous post on chakras.  Or just one or two that you feel drawn too that can be used for meditation and grounding. 

Get a variety of crystals, so you have different ones to choose from when you need them for different purposes.


Before you head out to a store to purchase your crystals do some research online and see if you are drawn to any crystals, in particular.   Once you get to the store, just look around and see if you are drawn to any crystal or stone, in particular.

Do you feel drawn to a particular area of the store?  If so, head toward that area, stop and see if you are then drawn to any of the crystals.

I can tell you that I’m very drawn to crystals and when I walk into a place that has them, I just have to look.  Even though I may know just what stones I’m looking for, I don’t go to them right away.

Walking around, I look at all the crystals, because I just feel like it is something I have to do.  Picking up several, I hold them in my hands and see what I feel.  I like them and think of them as God’s own jewelry.

After walking around for a bit and getting a feel for the crystals, I usually end up going to the ones that called to me in the first place or ones I know I’m looking for.  It has also happened that the ones I needed were the ones that called to me.  I’ve learned to listen to my instinct, so those crystals are what I purchase.




The Crystal Bible
by Judy Hall

Find a known crystal instantly or identify an unknown crystal in this easy-to-follow directory.


Crystal Necklace

Pretty and unique design healing energy pendant necklace. Healing Crystals.



Crystals for Beginners

Crystals for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals


Once you have obtained your crystals, you need to clean them and then program them.  Both are fairly easy.

You can program your crystals for what you intend to use them for, but first you need to get it ready.

Some stones cannot be put in the sun, while others can’t get wet.  Ask where you purchase your crystals.  Most crystals can be set out in the moonlight to cleanse them while others can actually be used to clean other gemstones.

When you bring your crystals home, one of the first things you will need to do is cleanse away the negativity that may have been picked up from others who touched it.  If your crystal is one that can handle water, just run it under cool tap water or in a natural source of water if one is nearby.

Just be sure to use cool water, not hot or even warm.  You can also put some sea salt in your hands to rub on the crystals before putting into water.

Your crystals can also be run through the smoke from sage.  Leave the stones out in the morning sunlight for a bit, but not direct sunlight.  If not morning sunlight, then filtered in some way.

Even better for your crystal is moonlight.  Set your crystals on a windowsill in the moonlight through the night and they’ll be ready to go in the morning.  You can also sit them outside in the moonlight.


More than Just Clearing/Cleaning

It’s not only clearing or cleansing of the crystal physically, you also have to mentally remove the negativity by setting the intention, before you cleanse the stone.  Mentally, tell yourself, the universe and the crystal you are holding that you intend for all negativity to disburse from the stone.

Once the crystal has been cleared you have to do another intention.  Whatever you plan on using the crystal for is the intention you give it.  As you hold the crystal in your hand let it know what you intend for it to do for you.

Like the selenite tower I have sitting on my desk.  I occasionally pick it up and just remind it to take away the negativity and stress from my area of the office and from me.


Take this small list with you when you go to purchase your crystals.  It will help determine what you are looking for.  The following crystals are my suggestions for a good start to your crystal collection.




Black Onyx:

This is a powerful stone to use for protection to shield your mind and body from negative energy.  It can also help to prevent you from using all your personal energy and may help with depression.  Supports your energy in stressful times, grief, stress or confusion.  Black Onyx is a strength-giving stone and provides support for self-discipline issues.


Excellent stone for grounding, focusing and balancing, especially your root chakra.  Gives us a sense of security and helps with self-esteem and gives a sense of confidence.

Red Jasper:

This is a stone of endurance, determination strengthening and grounding.  Red Jasper will help you feel centered and balanced.  Use this stone for strength and stability.  Also for protection, to ease worries and cleanse your aura.





Tiger’s Eye:

This crystal is good for seeking clarity and enhancing psychic abilities.  Tiger’s Eye is another good all-around stone because you can wear it for protection again ill wishes and you can meditate with it for higher self-esteem and more confidence.

You can also place it on your solar plexus chakra for grounding when you feel spaced out or restless.


Grounding and stabilizing stone; assists with focus and releasing heavy emotions.  This crystal activates the womb and also the sacral chakra.  Carnelian can help overcome negative thoughts and healing past traumas.


Supports manifestation, stimulates the mind and is a protection stone.  Enhances spiritual growth and psychic gifts.  Moonstone is a stone will soothe anxiety, breaks negativity and is a feminine energy stone.  This is a stone for new beginnings, stimulates passion, creativity and balance.


Carnelian Coil Bracelet

American West Sterling Silver Earth Tones Coil Bracelet in Carnelian, Smoky Quartz & Jasper.

Tumbled Chakra Gemstones

Premium Grade Crystals and Healing Stones in Wooden Display Box – 7 Tumbled Chakra Gemstones, Amethyst Crystal, Rose Quartz, Quartz Crystal Point + Guide & Instructions – Gift Kit

Lapis Lazuli

Afghanistan Lapis Lazuli Bracelet Blue Stone Beads Stretchy Strand Bracelets




Happiness, joy and optimism.  This crystal is one of the few that doesn’t hold onto negative energy.  Instead, it gets rid of it.  Because of this, citrine doesn’t need to be periodically cleansed.  Citrine promotes comfort and energizes, invigorates and helps open your mind to new thoughts.

This is one of the stones I talked about earlier that CANNOT be left in direct sunlight!  You can use it to cleanse other crystals by sitting them together for some time.  (overnight is good).  Meditating with this crystal will cleanse and balance any of your chakras, so it is very good to keep on hand.


Amber is a crystal helps with depression and anxiety and is an excellent stone for clearing out negative energy before medication.  It draws the negative energy to itself so you can set an intention for a good meditation session.

Amber will help lighten your mood, supports health and recovery and cleanses our auras.

Lemon Quartz

Lemon Quartz helps promote creativity and healing along with focus.  It promotes optimism and a general sense of well-being.  This stone can help bring some sunshine and hope into your life.  You can use this stone to tap into your natural potential and connect again with others.



Rose Quartz:

This crystal is the symbol of love and beauty and enhances all forms of both.  It helps us to open our hearts to love and joy, including for ourselves.  Rose quartz promotes peace and calmness.  This stone calls to me every time I see it, so I know this is a crystal for me.  I carry one in my purse all the time or in my pocket, at times, and have one sitting on my nightstand.


Stone for personal growth, all around healing.  It can help by providing soothing energy and loosens and releases negativity and blockages of energy.  Adventurine can bring abundance and luck.


Nourishing and lucky stone.  Good stone to help open your heart to love, care and tolerance.  It can calm your nervous system and carries the energy of the earth and nature.  Jade is a good protection stone for travelers and will help you keep a positive attitude.





This stone promotes an optimistic outlook and protects against negative influences.  While calming your mind, turquoise also enhances the flow of energy in your body.  It also promotes communication and opens your heart for love.


Encourages emotional expression and helps with awareness.  Use howlite when you meditate to help get rid of anger you may be holding onto.  You can carry it in your pocket to absorb any negative energy you may come across.  Helps with anxiety and insomnia.  Very calming stone.


Helps with calm and rational communication and holding irrational thoughts in check.  This stone promotes self-awareness and self-discovery.  It renders help for very sensitive adults and children and protects against overstimulation.  Amazonite will help you speak your truth and resolve conflicts.





Amethyst (crown and third eye chakras):

This is a good crystal for meditation and scrying.  You can also place it over your third eye chakra for stimulation.      (moonlight)


Fluorite helps connect you to your higher self and to Source.  It will also protect you from negative energy from others and yourself.  Also helps with fear, depression and anxiety.


Apatite can clear and activate your third eye.  It supports lucid dreaming and psychic abilities.  Helps with motivation, concentration and aura cleansing.



Amethyst (crown and third eye chakras)

This is a good crystal for meditation and scrying.  You can also place it over your third eye chakra for stimulation.      (moonlight)

Clear Quartz:

This is an excellent “all around” crystal and good for beginners.  It enhances our personal energy (when you have it on your person) and can be “programmed” to whatever intention you need at any given time.  Clear quartz will magnify the energy of your intention.  You can also place this stone on your body to encourage healing to that/those areas.

Quartz is also a crystal that you can hang in your windows for protection and clear quartz can be used to cleanse and recharge other crystals.      (moonlight)


This is a crystal with high sodium content—hence its name.  Sodalite can help bring about mental clarity and helps re-establish inner peace.  It can help strengthen your mind over your body and bridges the gap between your feelings and your thoughts.

Sodalite is a crystal for logic so meditating with this crystal will give you guidance on a decision or plan of action you are trying to decide on.


DO NOT get this crystal wet as it contains a lot of sodium.  Selenite is considered a calming stone, clarifies thought, is an emotional stabilizer, opens chakras and cleanses auras.

I have this stone sitting on my desk at work and when I start feeling stressful, I pick it up and start rolling it in my hands for a minute or two.  Sometimes it calms me down just looking at it.


Crystals can be used in many ways and it’s basically up to you and what you are comfortable with.  You can hold onto them while you pray or meditate; or you can sleep with them under your pillow or on your nightstand.  Carry them in your pocket or purse.

Use crystals to put on the different parts of your body where chakras are located to help heal those areas while relaxing or meditating.  They can also be worn constantly in jewelry of all kinds.

Jewelry is a good way to always have your crystals with you.  There is a ton of jewelry available made specifically to use for healing or you can make a bracelet or necklace specific to what you are working on.

Listen to your intuition when going to purchase your crystals, hold on to them and see if they feel like they “fit”.  You could start with something like a stone for protection and one for getting rid of negativity experiment with them first.

Keep in mind that crystals are different for everyone so whatever way you choose to use your crystals just remember to start with an intention and go from there.

Stay Awesome!


Relevant Reads:

Using Crystals and Essential Oils to Balance Your Chakras

Cleanse Your Home of Negative Energy

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Moss Agate

Each leaf stone is unique so the image may show slight differences to the actual stone in color and texture

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