Chakra Basics
Would you like to have your Solar Plexus explained? Each of us have seven energy centers in our bodies that are called chakras. They are vortexes of swirling energy, located along our spine, that spin clockwise.
“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or circle. The belief of chakras dates way back and comes from the ancient Indian Tantra beliefs and their yoga system.
Your chakras are an important part of your spiritual path. Understanding how each works in relation to your mind, body and spirit will help with your feeling of well-being.
The symbol used for chakras is the lotus. The lotus basically grows in mud and its petals open one by one. Each of our chakras’ lotus, is displayed with a specific number of petals that you can see below:
Root Chakra = 4 petals
Sacral Chakra = 6 petals
Solar Plexus Chakra = 10 petals
Heart Chakra = 12 petals
Throat Chakra = 16 petals
Third Eye Chakra = 2 petals
Crown Chakra = 1,000 petals
This gives us an idea of how intricate and complicated a few of our chakras can be and why it is a good idea to keep them balanced.
This article is concerned with our Solar Plexus Chakra. Last month I did an article on our Root and Sacral Chakras. You can read about them here.
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Solar Plexus Chakra
Our Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above our navel and is concerned with our self-esteem and identity and personal power. It’s also associated with our courage, self-control and free will. It has a lot to do with our thoughts and feelings, both for ourselves and others.
This chakra’s color is yellow, and its element is fire. Gemstones that work really well with our solar plexus are yellow adventurine, topaz, yellow jasper, tiger’s eye and citrine.
When our Solar Plexus is balanced, we feel:
* Motivated
* Confident, self-empowered
* Feel self love and unlimited potential
* At peace with life
* Take responsibility for our lives
* Feel alive and strong with our conviction to follow through with our intentions
* Have self-control
* Can say “No” when needed, have boundaries
* Have a healthy immune system
* Healthy Digestion
* Protects your own belief system
This chakra regulates the organs in our abdomen to include the spleen, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines. The gland that the Solar Plexus represents is the Adrenals.
A chakra can become blocked/unbalanced, weak or stagnant. This means that you are struggling with the functions of the affected chakra.
Some of the things that can cause distress to this chakra are hanging around controlling people. Stay away from narcissists as they will greatly upset your Solar Plexus.
If and/or when others overstep your boundaries or cause shame or embarrassment, this could threaten your well-being through this chakra.
When your Solar Plexus is not balanced, you may manifest a wide range of symptoms to include a lack of energy, and motivation. You could feel stagnant, low self-esteem and low confidence. You’ll have no sense of purpose. Other symptoms that can manifest from a blocked or unbalanced Solar Plexus is:
* Rude behavior
* Overly aggressive or stubborn
* Become incredibly competitive
* No Discipline
* No integrity
* Become passive/aggressive
* Self-pity and blaming others for what happens to you
* Low self-worth
* Hard to work with because can no longer work with a team
* Feel anxious
* Feel anger and insecure
Physically, you may feel chronic fatigue, have a low metabolism, poor digestion and liver problems. You may also present with ulcers, gallstones, IBS, eating disorders and low blood sugar.
Healing Your Solar Plexus
There are several ways to heal our chakras and that includes your Solar Plexus. Healing methods can include using crystals, essential oils, foods, yoga, sound therapy, meditation and natural healing.
For this specific chakra you could try the following suggestions. No one specific way is correct or wrong. You may have to try several different ways until you find something you are comfortable with or feel has worked for you.
Just remember, you may not actually feel the benefits until days later as it can take a bit of time for the energy circle to start spinning correctly again.
Meditation is always an excellent way to balance a chakra. While you are meditating try visualizing anything yellow—a yellowish moon for example, or just a sheet of yellow material floating along on the wind.
Light an essential oil incense or diffuser. I like this one from Yankee Candle; it comes in different colors, is cordless and battery operated. Essential oils to use are black pepper, cardamom, lemon or juniper.
This is good to do before meditating and also you can also use crystals that are good for this chakra. Hold onto the crystals or lay down and place them where the chakra is located.
You can also just put a few of the appropriate crystals around you. Preferably, the crystals should be ones that you are drawn to.
More Healing Suggestions
Wear the color yellow or a necklace or bracelet made of Solar Plexus crystals.
Try rubbing essential oils around the area of the chakra. Oils to use are cedarwood, cardamom, juniper, vetiver or lemon.
Since the Solar Plexus’ element is fire, try sitting around a bonfire and let the fire light calm you. Sit there in the calmness for a while letting the calm just sink into you. And if you feel inclined, you could also meditate while sitting there.
Sitting around a fire, laughing with friends and family can go a long way in balancing this chakra. And how easy and fun could this method be?

Final Thoughts
It’s important that you understand that each chakra is equal in importance, and they all radiate and receive energy continually.
Each is responsible for different parts of our body, mind and spirit.
Each chakra works on its own but also in balance with each other to create an even flow of energy throughout our bodies. The balance of these chakras can be maintained through meditation, nutrition and exercise.
It may take time in the beginning until you get the feel of your chakras, where they are located and what each does. But it’s well worth it and you will be amazed at how together and good you feel when these energy centers are in sync.
Let me know how you feel after balancing your chakras!
Stay Awesome!
Relevant Reading
Guide to Your Throat Chakra
Chakras for Beginners
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