

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

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Keto vs. Low Carb: Unveiling the Differences

Keto vs. Low Carb: Unveiling the Differences

In the dieting world, two terms can frequently be heard: the ketogenic (keto) diet and the low carbohydrate (low carb) diet. Both diets are about reducing carbohydrate intake, but they have subtle, yet significant differences in their approach and goals.  This article...
Easy Ways to Make Your Step Goal

Easy Ways to Make Your Step Goal

Are you one of those that try to meet a step goal each and every day?  Ever wonder if it’s possible to be active without actually doing a workout and still become healthier?  I did, so I got busy thinking and came up with some ways to be active, but not exercise in...
Vitamins and Minerals for Women

Vitamins and Minerals for Women

As women, we just don’t seem to get enough vitamins and minerals on a daily basis, even if we are eating healthy.  It can be a challenge, especially as we get older. This is because as we age, our bodies don’t absorb the vitamins or minerals that we take in as easily...
Benefits of Walking

Benefits of Walking

Why Walking is Good For Your Health Walking is such an everyday kinda thing to do that we tend not to even think of it as an exercise or workout.  For this reason, you may wonder what benefits you would get from just plain ole walking. What comes to mind first is that...
Triggers For Overeating

Triggers For Overeating

What are Food Triggers? Triggers for overeating are certain moments or actions that trigger eating more than needed or wanted.  These can be different for everyone, but a trigger is anything that will cause you to eat what you don’t want to eat.  Or these triggers can...
How Stress Affects Women

How Stress Affects Women

Many of us realize that stress affects our health.  And while stress affects both sexes, studies are beginning to show that stress could be affecting women more than men.  We all go through stress at different times in our lives, but it is when the stress becomes...