by Cher | Self-Understanding
Effective problem solving can make a big difference in someone’s life. Generally, we all come across problems in all aspects of our lives. By early adulthood, we should have developed decent problem-solving skills, but many do not. Problem solving takes what is known...
by Cher | Self-Understanding
What Are Boundaries Are you an expert at setting boundaries. Many of us are not, but boundaries are a way to set healthy limits around yourself. These boundaries let you and others know what you are comfortable with and what you are not comfortable with. This helps...
by Cher | Self-Understanding
What are Limiting Beliefs? Limiting beliefs are not something that we are born with but have acquired. These beliefs can be from discussions or phrases we hear from our parents as we are growing up or from other family members. Your beliefs can come from friends or...
by Cher | Self-Understanding
Need some helpful tips to deal with negative people? Many of us have to deal with someone, at one time or another, who is more negative than we care for. Humans are social, so a lot of our happiness can depend on our relationships. But what happens to your happiness...
by Cher | Self-Understanding
It’s that time of year again. The time that many of us make New Year’s Resolutions or goals that we want to start our new year with, while hoping these new goals become habit. We want these new habits to make a good impact on our lives or health....
by Cher | Self-Understanding
We all think about our happiness at different times of our lives. All of us want to be happy, but many of us don’t know just what causes us to be happy. We struggle with that. Many don’t realize that we have to find happiness within before we can be truly happy....