

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

Be a Wellness Warrior for healthful living, reduce stress, learn positive self-talk, healthy dieting, losing weight, self-understanding, and more.

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Travel Tips, Tricks and Hacks

Travel Tips, Tricks and Hacks

  Many of us love to travel whether it’s to far off places or just a few hours away to see family or friends. Whether our travels keep us near or take us far, far away from our homes, there are things to think about before we walk out our doors.  And many times,...
Skills For Teens To Master Before Adulthood

Skills For Teens To Master Before Adulthood

Do you know what skills teens need to master before going out into the world?  You might be surprised. There are many skills that parents teach their kids as they grow-up, but sometimes when I look around, I wonder if some of that teaching has been put on the back...
Five Car Safety Gadgets

Five Car Safety Gadgets

  Do you know about these five car safety gadgets?  Driving is such an important part of our lives, I thought it might be a good idea to look at a few things that can make driving a bit safer for all of us.  I choose five safety gadgets that I think are worth...
Most Embarrassing Moment

Most Embarrassing Moment

Would You Be Embarrassed?  We all have had them, at least I think we all have.  Although when it is happening, it’s not something that any of us like.  What I’m talking about is a good ole embarrassing moment.  I know I certainly hope I’m not the only one...
Pet Insurance For Your Beloved Pets

Pet Insurance For Your Beloved Pets

DOGGIE INSURANCE Have you been thinking about pet insurance for your beloved pets?  I’m sure many of you feel toward your pets like we do.  Our Bear gives us so much pleasure; my heart smiles when I see him.  He came into our lives about 3 years ago and I swear our...
Best Book Clubs And Companies

Best Book Clubs And Companies

  BOOK COMPANIES I’m a reader and one of those people that love the best book clubs and companies I can find–always have, always will.  I’ve never understood those that actually don’t like to read–[poof], blows my mind.  Every time...