

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

Be a Wellness Warrior for healthful living, reduce stress, learn positive self-talk, healthy dieting, losing weight, self-understanding, and more.

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Top Notch Advise For H.S. And College Graduates

By now, in any other year, we would have heard plenty of speeches for graduates.  Several months ago, I came across a speech that is good advice for H.S. and college graduates.   “DON’T CHOOSE ANYTHING THAT WILL JEOPARDIZE YOUR SOUL” LIFE IS NOT EASY!  IT IS...
Don’t Lose Packages To Porch Pirates

Don’t Lose Packages To Porch Pirates

Make Sure You Get All Your Packages I have a neighbor that was a delivery driver partner with Amazon for a while.  She shared with me some things she had learned that we can do to ensure we don’t lose packages to porch pirates. These tips can be used for any packages...
“The Book of Dad” and Gift Ideas

“The Book of Dad” and Gift Ideas

Love “The Book of Dad” (and gift ideas).  There is something special about dad’s with their kids.  And with Dad’s special day right around the corner we all need gift ideas.  I wanted to help with the gift ideas but also something kinda special...
Apps To Monitor Our Kids, Seniors And The Disabled

Apps To Monitor Our Kids, Seniors And The Disabled

Whether you think monitoring/spying on your kids, seniors or the disabled is really monitoring or not, maybe it depends on what your definition of spying is.  Spying?  Or as some think;  just good parenting or monitoring to keep those we love, safe? If you look up the...
Spying On Kids, Seniors And The Disabled

Spying On Kids, Seniors And The Disabled

Should we be spying on kids, seniors and the disabled?  Really? To spy or not to spy on our kids or anyone for that matter is an excellent question with all the electronic devices in use today.  Throughout this post, when I’m talking about our kids, I also mean our...
Why Are Moms So Special And Irreplaceable?

Why Are Moms So Special And Irreplaceable?

Why Are Moms So Special?  Could it be because they are irreplaceable and have a special place in most of our heart’s even when we don’t have her near to us.  Whether your relationship with your mother was/is complicated or she is your best friend; deep down we all...