


Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul

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The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

Be a Wellness Warrior for healthful living, reduce stress, learn positive self-talk, healthy dieting, losing weight, self-understanding, and more.

As a thank you, you will have access to my password protected Resource Freebie Page with over 20+ downloadable printables! 


Does Any of This
Sound Familiar?

  **I feel stressed out and overwhelmed
most of the time

    **I can’t even walk up the stairs or
cross my legs

 **I’d like to learn about holistic living

**How do I mediate?

     **I want to eat healthier, but don’t
know where to start


woman doing pilates
image of woman and tree as examples of growth


A journey of holistic health, wellbeing
and happiness for women through
all aspects of our lives.


Imagine Your Self

Talk Saying:


         **I’m learning how to be mindful
                        with what I eat

**I’ve discovered the benefits
of meditation

**I really am enough!!

then you can say:

    I Run My Mind-It     Doesn’t Run Me!!

About Spotlight My Health

Health and Wellbeing

Do you ever….

*worry about your health and wellbeing

*think you would like to be more open-minded toward yourself

*feel like your self-talk only notices your mistakes

*want to get healthier, lose some weight and get fit

*feel overwhelmed and lost in the chaos of life

*would like to introduce your family to a holistic lifestyle


This blog publishes weekly about women’s  issues such as women’s health, living holistically, self-understanding and having a healthy home environment.

Feel free to leave a comment after any post or email me directly at the email found at top of the page.

a confident woman shows better health and wellbeing

I now live, work and write near the Deleware shore.   I started a blog called “Own Our Awesome” two or three years ago while living in a Washington, DC suburb.

Sometime last year, I decided to rebrand my site and change the name to Spotlight My Health, as I think that suits my topic of all-around health much better, don’t you?

I aim to share honest, common sense, down to
earth information.

Holistic Living

essential oils are good for health and wellbeing


What is Law of Attraction?
I want to learn a healthier approach for taking care of myself and family.


“I really enjoyed this one Cher.  Keep up the great work!”……Kate


What Is Holistic Living

It’s learning to recognize that a person and their environment are connected and influences both ways.

If our home life isn’t going well, that affects us and our family.  If we are struggling with feelings inside (self-understanding) or we struggle with our body image; both will also affect our health and wellbeing.  Holistic living gives us all types of wonderful directions to go, in order to help improve all aspects of our lives for better health and wellbeing.

It’s about learning different ways of relieving stress, eating healthy for your body type or learning self care for yourself.

Home Health

The Importance of

Home Health

What if you could learn, change and achieve better health and wellness and include your home in that scenario.  Imagine yourself saying…

 **My whole family is doing better now that we have begun a holistic way of living.

**I want to start using essential oils for a safer home for my family.


a family thrives on better health and wellbeing

“Thank you for this.  It is your best contribution so far (although all of your articles are very good).  Also thank you for the darker type – much easier on these old eyes”…..Terry

Self Understanding

liking yourself is good for health and wellbeing


**Can I stop thinking I need to be superwoman?

**How do I establish boundaries for myself and others?

**It’s OK to say No sometimes

**I’ve finally learned how to stop my “stinkin thinkin”


“Oh, being open to change.  That can be such a hard thing, but as I was forced to make changes I didn’t want to make, now I’m doing many of these very things to figure out the next stage of my life”….Sarah


Awareness Brings Self-Understanding

We look in the mirror and don’t see what we think society tells us we should see.  And then our self-talk gets in on it by telling us we aren’t good enough on the superwoman scale.  Believe that you can….

**Practice self-care so you can continue taking care of those you love.

**Become confident and realize that you are enough.

**Your uniqueness is what the world needs and learning that you don’t have to live life per other’s expectations, is part of your life journey.

**Learn to like yourself.

**All this affects your health and wellbeing.

Woman’s Health and Wellbeing

Hooray For Women!

Why?  Why does how we feel about ourselves, as women, always depend on what we weigh, or how much we exercise?  I’m not saying those things aren’t important, they are.  But why not learn to like ourselves just the way we are—even with all our foibles thrown in.

We need to become Wellness Warriors for ourselves.  We’ll look at subjects that have to do with fitness, losing weight, how to change our thoughts about eating, learn the difference between keto and low carb.  Or the 80/20 rule and how to do intermittent fasting.

And let’s not forget we have to move.  I will admit to hating exercising.  But I know how important it is and I’ve learned a few ways to still get the movement in that I need.  And I will share.

If you are interested in weight loss surgery, I’ll be discussing this as I had gastric sleeve surgery last year.  So far I’m hovering around 50 pounds down and I’d like to lose 20 lbs. more.

Again, I’ll share what I’m doing to reach that goal.  Please join me in my journey as a Wellness Warrior!!  I’d love to have company.

all about health and wellbeing for women

Become A Wellness Warrior
For Your Health and Wellbeing


**Don’t like to exercise? Find other ways to move.

**Is weight loss surgery for me?

**What to do with clothes and how to dress during weight loss.

**What to eat before and after surgery.

**OMG!  I can cross my legs again and walk up the stairs without being out of breath.


“Brillant.  So readable…and achievable.  I particularly liked your reference to the time taken and guilt experienced blogging.

I need to accept it myself and take the time.
Thank you”…..Rozzie


Fun Facts About Me!


Fun Facts About Me

**I’m a gemini that loves learning, blogging, alternative ways of thinking and healing.

**I’m a Reiki Master

**I love to travel. Some places I’ve been are; Montreal, Quebec, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Belize and several islands in the Caribbean.

**I love a good corny joke.  If it makes me laugh outright then there’s a good chance I’ll share it.  Laughing is good in my book.

**I love, love, love the beach!

**I’m an introvert that has learned how to be extroverted when needed.

**I’m constantly trying to lose weight (blah!).

**I have two half brothers and one half sister that I’ve known all my life and now believe I’m on the verge of finding more–isn’t Ancestry great!

**I consider myself an optimistic realist.

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