

Healthy mind, healthy body,
healthy soul


The best project you will
ever work on is yourself

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spending time in nature-A Basket for Self-Care

Why would anyone want to create a basket for self-care?  We all want to feel healthy, happy and have all the energy we need to live our lives.  But to do that we all need to pay attention to taking care of ourselves and listen to what our spirit, body and mind may be telling you.

Taking care of ourselves ensures that we can continue to take care of the others in our lives.  As women we tend to forget that.  It’s OK to take the time to pay attention to ourselves.  It’s not selfish, but rather what is needed to help make us our best selves.  That’s where our own self-care comes in.

Self-care is only important if you want to feel happy, healthy and ready to go with your life.  And self-care probably covers more areas of your life than you realize.

Things such as getting enough sleep, making sure your finances are in good order and that you are in a good place spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  To learn more, read my post on “What is Self-Care?”  



You can make self-care for yourself easier and more fun by getting needed items pulled together ahead of the time.  Put the items in a basket and keep them in your personal spot or carry the basket to where you are going to use the items.  I prefer a basket, but you can use a box or bag—anything that you like and can hold your items.

When you need a quick pick-me-up, your basket will be ready.  Although, practicing self-care on a regular basis is much more beneficial.

Either way, a ready-made basket makes things much easier for you to actually practice self-care. Keep your basket handy and available.  Make sure your supplies are kept full and put back in the basket after use.

The Self-Care Planner by Simple Self – Best Daily Life Planner for Wellness–$39.97

Pure Himalayan Body Scrub -$13.95


First, let’s look at the different areas of your life that pertain to your self-care.  They are: 











Did you realize that all these areas should be taken into consideration when thinking about your self-care?

Think about it—if your finances are a mess, what does that do to you mentally and emotionally.  And could eventually affect you physically.

Are you affected by your environment?  I know and admit that I am.  Is your home a haven for you to come home to?  Do you regularly hang around toxic people?

Each of these situations can actually affect several areas of your self-care.


Why self-care?  Hmmmmm, let’s see.  Do you feel tired and worn out?  Are you feeling like you are in need of a break or some time away?  Or just need a few minutes to yourself to catch your breath?  Are you having a day that you just feel out of sorts and can’t concentrate?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time for a little self-care.  However, if you got to the point of answering yes to any of my above questions, you have waited too long to implement some self-care for yourself.

The ideal is to keep yourself feeling your best on a regular basis so you don’t come to a point where you know you need a break or else.

Self-care is truly more beneficial if done on some type of regular basis.  Even if just once a week to give yourself some needed down time, will help.

So, let’s look at some suggestions for things to put into your basket.  And remember, if my suggestions don’t work for you, change them.

If, instead of soft music and a glass of wine, you want a big chunk of dark chocolate and jam to some music—go for it!!  This is for whatever helps you feel better and more at peace with yourself.

how to make a self-care basket-A Basket for Self-Care


I put these two components together because, to me, they kinda go together and should be included in your self-care basket.  For instance, you want to sit quietly in a corner and read for a bit.  After lighting a scented candle, you put a soft afghan over your lap and take a drink of herbal tea and then open your book.

Doing this helps you to physically relax and hits several of your senses (touch, taste and smell) and could also help intellectually depending on what type of books you like to read.

If you like to exercise or dance—do that for your physical self.

Walking through the grass in my yard with bare feet puts a smile on my face.  Or just take a walk out in nature.  A ten-minute walk in nature does a lot of us some good.

Try a new exercise class.

A nice warm 20-minute soak in the tub is hard to say no to.  From your basket, add your favorite essential oil or some bath bombs, a little music and a glass of wine—how nice does that sound?  Spa night once a week anyone?



Although different, I seem to also think of these two components together as they tend to affect each other.  If my mind is in the right place, then my emotions seem to be in better control and visa versa.

Again, I’m going to use myself as an example.  I have to have things like my budget in good working order or when my son and daughter are doing OK, I have peace of mind.  And if my house is too cluttered, it plays with my mind, making it hard for me to focus.   Same thing with my work space.

So those are things I take care of on a regular basis because if I don’t it would affect me mentally and then bring up emotions like anger and worry.

Put in your basket whatever would help you here.  Do you write in a diary or journal?  Pour out all your thoughts and feelings if that helps.  Or you can include a self-discovery journal.

Remember your heart and inner self are always guiding you to a life you love.  Listen to your instincts and write your thoughts down.  This journal will help you hear these important messages.

See a counselor or read books about liking yourself.  Keep your favorite “like yourself” book in your basket to refer to when needed.  You can also keep your gratitude journal in your basket, as a reminder or to add new things you are grateful for.



Do you like hanging with your family—that works.  Or take 10 minutes and chat to a good friend or someone you haven’t talked to for a while. 

Here’s an idea—each week, call someone that you want to keep in touch with, but haven’t.  This could be family or friends.  And you’ll do them good also because I’m sure they’d be glad to hear from you.  Keep the phone numbers handy in your basket if they are not in your phone.



This is a very personal aspect of ourselves for most of us.  But, this is the area for things like a gratitude journal, meditation or meditation music, crystals, incense, your bible and or inspirational/prayer cards.  Any of these would fit nicely in your self-care basket.




As I wrote in my post on “What is Self-Care?”, I’m very affected by my environment, so one of the things I have is a “sad” lamp or light therapy lamp.  They come in all sizes, so put one in your basket if you need it.  I call it my “fake” sunshine, but it does wonders.

Declutter whatever parts of your home or work office feels too crowded.

Add a candle to your basket, so where ever you are doing your self-care routine, it is handy.



self encouragement words-A Basket for Self-Care


This is one of my favorites so to me the world is mine.

Add some puzzle books to your basket or download games on your ipad.  There are tons of word games and puzzles.  I even have them on my phone to keep my mind busy when I feel the need.  It gets me away from whatever I may be working on, but need a break from.  Keep these handy.

Keep your kindle in your self-care basket for all those books you have downloaded.

Learn a new language—again, can be on your phone or ipad

A small knitting or crocheting project could be kept in your basket if you really enjoy doing them.


Ultimate Aromatherapy Diffuser & Essential Oil – $39.95

The Complete Guide to Self-Care: Best Practices for a Healthier and Happier You (Everyday Wellbeing)–$10.29


Now that you have collected several items that you would like to use during your self-care time, find something to put them in.  I used to have my things in a basket that I liked, until I came across this old looking box with french written across the top, that I found at a garage sale.

Luckily, I tend to keep my box in the same place all the time, but a basket with a handle would be much easier to move when you want to.

You would also see sage in my box.  I use this to clear out any negative energies before I meditate.  My box also includes incense and/or candles to burn while I meditate.  Meditating is my go-to self-care action.  It calms me down and I feel joined with Source again.  The other self-care action I tend to use is a soak in the tub with a good book and some music.

What do you do for your self-care?  Anything different, that you may want to share?  Who knows, what you do could inspire someone else to begin to take a little time for themselves.

I hope that this post, at least, gives some good ideas about how to go about putting things together for your own self-care.

Stay Awesome!



Relevant Reading
Make Your Own Face and Body Wash
What is Self-Care?

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